Grrrr By watching some amazing people learn to overcome and/or - TopicsExpress


Grrrr By watching some amazing people learn to overcome and/or live a full life with fibromyalgia (personal hero = Rachel Dunmire) along with the long periods of time that I have gone without symptoms, it boggles my mind that I am still taken off guard when an attack hits. Ive been racking my brain to figure out why? I know my body very well after all of this illness. Still, I am surprised to wake several days in a row, very early....feeling the awful symptoms. Then...boink...the!! I have forgotten how weather changes effect symptoms of fibromyalgia. do you deal with this? Ive used compression clothing (wonderful), compression blankets (ack when its hot), meditation, medication (non-narcotic)...walks are not good for me right now due to other body issues. As I have gone outside to watch the sunrise each day, it has been colder and more beautiful. Only today did I realize that I felt a little cold. After coming inside and feeling like one big electric bruise (fibro-friends, I know you understand this, right?), it hit me that as much as I LOVE fall physical body does not :( Which child turned into a blueberry(Veruka Salt?), I wish I had a juicing machine...Sita needs to be juiced! OR, Temple Grandin, may I please use your squeeze machine?!! I used to spend hours in a warm bath and it worked wonderfully. I can no longer take baths with a j-tube. Ahh, I miss baths... Im not looking for pity. I need answers, ideas, empathy, love.... Rather, I am not sitting quietly suffering today. I have some of the most amazing friends and family here in Facebook world. I come to You. Im putting it out here. Im outing my body :). Christopher tried to have the coming surgery moved up as I cannot keep any nutrition in my body. My weight is closing in on 100 lbs lost. My doctor is out of town until next week. I am choosing to wait for his return. I want to wait until after the Kalpataru meditation event this weekend anyway. When my body is sick, I feel differently. Like a child, I want to stamp my feet and say , now, now, Now. Take out the offending organ! Lol. Patience sita patience. Friends, please send some positive energy this way. My focus is not to be immediately pain free. I wish to make peace with this body. I wish to see You in person. This homebound situation is not working for me. Well, this was a long rant. Guess I needed to share. For those of you who have read all of this...thank you for taking the time. Love You All and Miss You so much.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:46:52 +0000

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