Guaranteed On-Time Delivery Praise the Lord, we are grateful - TopicsExpress


Guaranteed On-Time Delivery Praise the Lord, we are grateful to God for this day and all that He has established and provided for each of us and that is sufficient for our day. We thank God for granting us another opportunity to come together, to begin our day in the unity of prayer and thanksgiving, as we lift our cares and concerns before our loving and faithful God. We are thankful for His love, His grace and His mercy that shall accompany and keep us throughout this day. We bless His Name for all that we shall encounter on this day, believing by faith that He has already gone ahead of us and prepared the way for us and for each of our next steps in the pursuit of our visions, our dreams and our Kingdom Destiny!!! We are also grateful for every opportunity that shall come our way to draw closer to our God and to one another, as we continue to answer the call to press forward!!! We are also thankful that our God, Who has kept us through every storm we have already faced throughout this wintery season and throughout our lives, will also be with us and keep us through the storm that is currently in our path!!! Family, all I can say this morning is wow, another snow storm, another change of schedule, and another need for the winter gear and one more time to break out the shovels and ice melt. According to the calendar we are just a few days away from the official change of the seasons, the official start of spring, and all the warmth, refreshing and renewal that it brings. It appears that this wintery season refuses to let go and is doing all that it can to block the coming spring and all the promises therein. Yet no matter how hard this winter attempts to block and withhold it, the coming spring shall be and it will not be one moment overdue. And so it is with our dreams, visions, and destiny, in spite of what we have been through in our past, they all surely lie ahead of us. While our dreams, visions, and destiny may seem afar off and according to what we see, hear, and are experiencing in our right now they quite possibly may never be, we must not lose heart but continue to press forward to all that God has promised and established for our lives. What we see, what we hear and all that we are experiencing right now is doing everything possible to cause us to be stopped and stuck, to block, delay and prevent the release and manifestation of the promises of God in our lives. But we are on the move and there is no stopping us, for surely every God given, God spoken promise, plan, purpose, dream, vision, and destiny will not be one moment overdue. The future, the plan, and hope that God has established for us shall surely be and it so!!! We can trust and wholly rely on Him by FAITH, because He has never fallen short of His Word, has He ever failed to deliver on His promises and neither has any delivered promise been on moment overdue. In other words family, our dreams, visions, and destiny will be released in our lives right on time, according to the will and way of our God. No matter what it looks like and feels like in our right now, though the current storms, issues and situations currently in our path are seemingly causing a delay, all that God has for us will not be in the least bit overdue. God said it, God promised it, and by the power of His Spirit at work within us, all that He has established and promised for our lives shall be just as He said and just when He said. And by FAITH we believe it so because in and through our God, we have this promise – Guaranteed On-Time Delivery!!! No storm can stop our dreams, vision, or destiny– Guaranteed On-Time Delivery!!! Nothing that our haters may say or that the enemies of our faith may do will prosper against us or block our progress – Guaranteed On-Time Delivery !!! Our past nor our right now can prevent the transitions and transformations from where we are to all that God has established for our lives – Guaranteed On-Time Delivery !!! In spite of what we see and feel right now we have this treasure in earthen vessels that continues to compel us to press on and to strive for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, to finish our race by faith – Guaranteed On-Time Delivery!!! In Christ Jesus our Lord, we are VICTORIOUS, we are empowered and equipped to be all that He has promised and established for our lives– Guaranteed On-Time Delivery!!! So family, although it may seem that our dreams, visions, and our destiny are somehow detained, delayed, or denied, we press on because of His ABLE working power at work within us doing exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can think or imagine, doing and releasing the impossible, doing and delivering just what He said, just how He said, just when said!!! For all of our dreams, our visions, our destiny – for every God given plan, promise and purpose for our lives we declare that in God and by God alone – there is no stopping us - Guaranteed On-Time Delivery … ALL BY FAITH – HALLELUJAH!!! Join with us as we continue in the unity of prayer and thanksgiving Monday –Friday @ 6:15 a.m. and TUESDAYS@8:30 p.m. Remember if there is something that we can lift in prayer together? If there are questions and concerns that we can voice together? If you have a praise report to share that we can celebrate together? If so, you may submit your praise reports and prayer requests via email at afmprayerline@gmail or via the prayer call in line at 240-31PRAY3 (240-317-7293) or join with us as we continue in the unity of prayer and thanksgiving, by calling 641-715-3300 Access code 909997# If you are unable to join us you can call in at any time and hear a recorded version of the prayer call by calling 641-715-3412 Access Code: 909997# (Recordings continue to be available…Keep Praying!!!) We encourage you to pass the word as we continue to pray and believe God, standing in PEACE and by FAITH continuing to PRAISE HIM NOW!!! Looking forward to our continuing to share together in the unity of prayer and thanksgiving ALL BY FAITH!!! TRUST GOD – BELIEVE GOD – ACKNOWLEDGE GOD – PRAISE HIM in Advance IT IS ALREADY DONE!!! ©Rev. J. Allen Chandler/Abiding Faith Ministries March 17, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:56:48 +0000

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