Guardian Alliance (GA) =3D immense group of beings who reside in a - TopicsExpress


Guardian Alliance (GA) =3D immense group of beings who reside in a myriad of locations in the Time Matrix. They are a member of the Interdimensional Assoc of Free Worlds (IAFW) AIFW Members consist of Biological (below 7D), Etheric (7D-9D) and Light (10D-15D) beings. Administrators of IAFW & GA are beings of pure immense, meta-maths consciousness. Guardians of the Cosmic Matrix. Cosmic Matrix =3D Energy Matrix + Time Matrix. Geomantic Entities (16D and above) reside in the Energy Matrix. These entities viewed from 3D would appear as geometric shapes made of living light. The Fall: Earth is in HU-1 Tara is in HU-2 Gaia is in HU-3 560 MYA (million years ago) Project Turaneusiam-1 (T-1) begins. Many ET + Meta-ET’s created a master race to serve as guardians of Planet Tara. Founders of project T-1 =3D Meta-ET from HU-4 & HU-5 Lyrans HU-3 =3D Seed Race of T-1 Sirian Council HU-2 =3D Directors/Overseers of T-1 Elohim HU-3 =3D race of beings created by Lyrans to oversee Sirian races in HU-2. T-1 was made up of 12-subraces (genetics from 12 ET races). 12-subraces are: Bra-ha-man Dhr-ah-men Atoni Trin-iten Azurtan Celtos Addami Yutarans Cerrasz Nexack-tai Melchizedakz Manipulation/Interbreeding by UNRELATED ET races caused major digression/division. T-1 split into two main strains: i) Alanians (Beli-Kudyem) ii) Lumians (Adami-Kudmon) Alanians sought control over Luminians - experimented with power generation thru Tara’s core - Lumians asked for assistance from Sirian Council HU-2 and Elohim HU-3. Lumians set up “Council of Mu”, moved large numbers across ocean to small continent with tiny/simple/unorganized culture - Continent named “MU”. [comment: I wonder if Australia/Aboriginals or UK/stonehenge/grooveware people.??] Elohim HU-3 interbred with Lumians (Cerrasz strain) to purify genes - new strain called Ceres/Seres - Seres went on to become Priesthood of Mu. Alanians =3D Templar Solar Initiates - combines forces with Sirian Anunnaki and refused to listen to Sirian Council. Sirian Anunnaki =3D opposed / anti-Sirian Council. Group of Alanians not happy with TempSolar defected to Mu. Ceres + Lumians interbred with these Alanians - new breed known as Priesthood of Ur. Sirian Rebellion War - p/hood of Ur lost battle to TempSolar and retreated underground. Impending Tara Grid implosion - many evaded to other star systems. 550 MYA Alanian deep u/ground power crystals exploded - Tara grd blown apart - Tara detached from morphogenetic grid. Tara now missing portions of it’s grid - could not continue evolution/ascension to HU-3 to merge with Gaia D7 - frozen in time-tracks until repaired.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:54:50 +0000

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