Guardtower Session 007 This scenario came from two sources of - TopicsExpress


Guardtower Session 007 This scenario came from two sources of inspiration: the first is the novella by Arthur C. Clarke titled The Lion of Comarre. The second source will be obvious... Characters make their way into the lands of Scorpions Reach, were many prior world ruins are said to exist. In a forest clearing, they come upon a 10 diameter gold ring of metal, lying horizontal to the ground about 2 feet off of it. Near it, they can hear the roar of machinery, but see no evidence of its source. They try stepping into and out of the ring, but nothing happens. One of them thinks to crawl underneath the edge of the ring, and they see that from the bottom, the ring forms the bottom of a dark metal shaft. A dark hallway leads away, at ring level, so they all crawl under the ring and step up into the hallway. About 30 in, lights come on. The hall leads to a room with about a dozen seats, all built for much taller creatures. The Mad Nano who Travels Through Time plops down in a chair. A holographic representation of a tall humanoid appears. Four floating screens appear before the nano. The first depicts a farming community, with the nano walking with her significant other, looking content. The scene fills her mind with feelings of safety and happiness. The second shows a gleaming city filled with tall buildings twinkling lights, and flying vehicles. Zoom to street level, and the nano sees herself being chased by men with guns. She fires her own gun back. She flags down a ground car with her gun, throwing the driver out, and getting into a wild chase through the city. The scene fills her with a sense of excitement, and the feeling of being highly skilled. The third scene is of a world not unlike the Ninth World. She sees herself as a queen, with her advisors, preparing for war. Seeing it, she feels respected and revered. The final scene is of a beach, with her and other people lounging and enjoying drinks. The holographic figure speaks in an unknown language and gestures at the four screens. The Mad Nano touches the scene if the gleaming city. Her eyes close, the seat reclines, and drops into the floor. Her companions discuss how they might rescue her, when another holographic figure appears. A tall, thin humanoid female (look back through my picture posts and you can find her) tells them that a malfunction in the system must have let the nano enter what she calls the Dreamscape. But it was not designed for human minds, and they must go into the virtual world to rescue her. She says the Dreamscape was built to allow her race to escape the over polluted world they had caused. She tells them they must find the Controller, which is their only hope to escape. And yes, if they die in the Dreamscape, they will die in the real world. Now, Id love to go into detail here, but it would just be too long to describe, so Ill outline the highlights. Agents. Shoot outs. Aerial vehicle chases. Flying drones. Ground car chases. Flashes where the alien simulation cuts into the human-centric one, giving everyone headaches. Lots of natural 20s rolled. Cyphers and artifacts were translated to better fit the scenario, and the characters had different skills and memories that allowed them to function in the high tech world. Finally, the nano trapped in the simulation recalls her spy mentor, now retired and working as a fixer in the slum part of the city. She tells him she needs to get out. He understands on both levels what she means. He tells her they must travel outside the city, into the wasteland called The Zone. There she will find who she is looking for. They travel out of the city through an abandoned subway tunnel. The reality flashes are getting worse, and lasting longer. One of them precipitates four two-headed hounds that drip with a lava-like fluid (also a pic I posted a while back). They definitely point to the scenario rejecting their human minds. Eventually the tunnel comes out into the desert surrounding the city. A few steps out, and a reality flash lasting 10 seconds happens. The see a different city, of strange geometries and alien sights that hurts their heads. When it finally passes, they are riding motorcycles, and dressed in salvaged armor, bearing hand crossbows and swords. Their high tech gear is gone. On the ridge of a dune, they see 10 riders, also on motorcycles. The city is no longer behind them. Savage combat ensues with the cannibalistic wasteland gang. All sorts of cool maneuvers. Finally, they top the dune and see a tall, white monolith hovering in the air, reminiscent of some of the monoliths in the Ninth World. They meet the Controller (see pic below). He tells them he can return them to the real world, but makes them promise to destroy the entrance to the lobby, so that something like this never happens again. They promise. They wake up in a room full of thousands of sleeping figures who look like the Controllers race. Outside, they use the cypher they had acquired when they traveled to the past (timed blast, doing 100 points of damage), under the ring. They set the timer and retreat to a nearby hill. There is a bright flash, but no sound. And the golden ring is no more.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:01:16 +0000

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