> Guayaquil, Ecuador > Apostle Diana Radabaugh > - TopicsExpress


> Guayaquil, Ecuador > Apostle Diana Radabaugh > BecauseHeLives > > I have been to many meetings throughout my forty one years of > Salvation and ministry but I have never seen, witnessed or been a part > of one that happen here this Sunday morning. > > I have been in many meetings where Jesus walk throughout the people. > Sometimes touching them Himself or warmly smiling or even softly crying > in acceptance of the devotion of the people expressing their love to Him. > > I have been to many meetings where The Presence of The Holy Spirit was > so strong The Glory Cloud covered the entire room. And the atmosphere was charged with Holy Glory. > > But I have never been to a meeting where Father God, > Jesus Christ and The Great Holy Spirit was present at the same time. >I can say clearly, Now I have been. > > Pastor introduced me and I walked up the steep steps to the pulpit as my > translator Gregory followed me. I was warmly welcomed by the 300 or so > people. As I acknowledged the congregation. I said, Hallelujah and felt > like I was being embraced with strong gentle Arms. Feeling a warmth surrounding me, I said I have never done this before then I slipped off my shoes, This is Holy Ground. > > Then I walked back down the steps into the people, as they responded to > that announcement of This Is Holy Ground clapping and saying amen. It was as if I was there, but then like I wasnt. > > Immediately The Holy Spirit covered me, I was being infolded > by Wings, I am not sure? I just know I felt warm and secure Then The > Holy Spirit, through me started to softly yet powerfully sing, Holy, > Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy are You God. > > The man on the keyboard was touched by this Glorious Presence also and > continued to beautifully play a melodious melody along with this > declaration that was being sung. > As I walked around the very large open Church, it was as though I was > looking at the people through a cloud and I felt more like I was > gliding as I passed by the people I could perceive that we were one and > were taken away into a realm of Heavenly Peace and Contentment. We were > all caught up caught away into this place of wonder. > > Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy are you God,You are Glorious, Magnificent, You are Beautiful and Wonderful, You are Mighty and Powerful,You are God,Our Creator,You are our Healer and Savior, You are our are Deliverer and Conquer, You are God! > > This went on for twenty minutes or so I am not sure really how long. > All I know is that we were raptured into a very rare place.Our being here on earth yet caught up in the Heavenly Rhelm of Glory. Then The Lord God Himself stated to prophecy. He announced > that He Was There, that His Son Jesus Was Present and His Holy > Spirit. He spoke of how He permitted His Precious Son Jesus to come to > earth and how very much He loved Him, saying it was not easy to make > that decision, how it tore Him, how it grieved Him to let Jesus come to > earth to die. But He allowed it for one reason, as I pointed to this > man, this woman, this child He said, You! > > Father said; because of My Love for each one of you. I let My, Beloved > Son suffer and die on that cross. Because of My Love and Eternal Hope > for you. Jesus spoke, as He reminded us of the scripture, and if you > were the only one I would have come and died just for you. > > I permitted My Son to come and when He came out of that cool, dark > grave He succeeded in announcing IT IS FINISHED. With the Victory of the > resurrection! > Yes, all you need to have life in abundance was accomplished, as forty > days later My Son Rose to be with Me, He sent back to you Power through > The Blessed Holy Spirit. Now you have The Power to live for Me. > I give you that power through My Son and My Holy Spirit. > > The weight of His Presence was very powerful. It was almost fearful and > yet liberating.The atmosphere was electric yet warm and inviting. > > Then He said, Ask anything right now and I will grant it. > > He spoke on how important it is that we forgive anyone that has hurt > and offended us. Reminding us that we cannot get forgiveness from Him > if WE do not forgive. He was very strong on this. > > He said that we must walk in love and tenderness with one another. > And that our time left here on Earth is very short. Not to cling to the > ways of the world but to come to stir ourselves up in the knowledge of > Heaven our Eternal home to really seek Him to make time, much more time > to be in His Presence. In doing this the passion of earth will change > to passion for Him. > > Then The Lord had me go to certain people asking them what they wanted > from Him. And we would pray give a word and go on to someone else. It > was so beautiful. Conformation on starting a new business. He said, Yes, > structure it on my principles and give me the Praise, it is a go. > As I walked up face to face to a couple, they began crying clinging to > each other, admitting that their marriage was in trouble. As I begin to > see things calling them out, praying for them feeling and witnessing > The Presence of the Lord wipe it all away, all the doubt, fear, pain > the uncertainties and Unforgiveness as you > would wipe chalk from a chalkboard, He took it from them. Then I pronounced them Man and Wife, and ask them to seal this move of God on their lifes with a kiss. It was just Beautiful. > > For days I have tried to form words to express to you all that happened > all that not only I felt and experienced but my director, Pastor > Manizzi and my team here.The Pastor of this Church, of Excellents and the beautiful congregation. > > I have set at this computer praying and thinking how I could > communicate this time there in The Presence of the Living Triune God. > It was beyond Awesome there are no words that can acutely expressed the reality of the moments. > > Only this, when the altar call for Salvation was given there were about > fifteen people that ask The King of Glory to be their Savior and Lord > and to fill them with HisThe Holy Spirit. > > All Glory, Honor and Praise to YOU; Papa God. I am forever indebted to You my Glorious. King for this great experience of touching and feeling Your Presence and Glory.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 12:37:26 +0000

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