Guerrilla Feminism Family: We call on you tonight to support our - TopicsExpress


Guerrilla Feminism Family: We call on you tonight to support our GF Mod organizing in NYC with Justice League NYC as they work toward justice! They need 5,000 signatures... lets make this happen! Lets call for an end to police brutality and the larger system that criminalizes Black people. #BlackLivesMatter #TheJusticeLeague The Justice League NY Demands the Following: 1. The immediate firing of Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo and all officers responsible for the death of Eric Garner. 2. The State of NY will appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute all criminal cases involving the use of force, including deadly force, by police officers, and in particular, immediately appoint a Special Prosecutor in the wrongful death of Eric Garner. 3. The City and State of New York Draft Legislation to clarify the rules of engagement between the police and the community to make illegal the use of lethal force, including the chokehold, except to protect against serious, imminent physical injury to the police officers or the public. 4. NYC create a comprehensive NYPD Training Program for ALL officers - to include crisis intervention, harm reduction and de-escalation skills - to eliminate racial disparity and police brutality. 5. An immediate end to NYPDs Broken Windows Policing, which overwhelmingly targets black and brown communities with aggressive quality of life policing and enforcement tactics that could escalate to excessive force as in the case of Eric Garner. 6. An end the criminalization of young people in the NY school system. The “school-to-prison pipeline” targets primarily youth of color and has created a generation of youth growing up incarcerated. Mayor de Blasio has made this a hallmark of his historic campaign, but has yet to adopt necessary reforms. 7. US Attorney General Eric Holder expedite the federal investigation into the death of Eric Garner. 8. Immediate passage of the Right to Know Act. 9. NY State and all localities engage in complete transparency in regards to profiling, and search and seizure practices, and to provide all public data on other police practices including summonses, arrests and detention practices. 10. We call on Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo and NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to meet with Justice League NYC in order to explore all avenues to make viable implementation of the above demands as immediately and efficiently as possible In Solidarity & Power! Lets get 10,000 signatures! [Image description: Image of the 10 demands proposed above with The Justice League social media information and logo at the bottom.]
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:14:50 +0000

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