Guess what? He was in Tallahassee doing the same thing week before - TopicsExpress


Guess what? He was in Tallahassee doing the same thing week before last. Who is he that he thinks he can pressure our lawmakers into not representing us, and helping his pocket book? This man, I used to adore, now I abhore because of the fruit of his own hands, Common Core! I would not care of he lost every dime to his name. No one deserves to profit off of making our children guinea pigs. I hope you all watched the video I posted last night about these new leaders in education talking about children, and pretty much saying they did not give a damn about how our children felt.....all the pictures you see of our kids being so frustrated? Those are intentional. They want our kids sick with mental illnesses. These are very sick, greedy, selfish individuals that they have no more care for the sanctity of childhood than this. If you are not paying attention, you have no idea the amount of people pulling their kids from public schools. People please do some research, get a clue. Find out. You have no idea how corrupt this system is, from the bottom to the top. Starting at 4 years of age, they are harvesting your children, by 6th grade they want to know what your kid is going to be doing for the rest of their life. 1984 ring any bells? How many of us had no clue what we were going to do? How many of us changed professions? Where is the freedom? Where is liberty? Your kids are only going to be free to do what the government tells them they can do. This is one experiment we do not need to be in.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:45:11 +0000

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