Guess what I did yesterday?? Yup! I went “Skydiving”…for the - TopicsExpress


Guess what I did yesterday?? Yup! I went “Skydiving”…for the very First time…whoo hoo!! #Monumental!! How cool is that?! It was an absolutely AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING experience!!!!! The weather was perfect, we had a Spectacular, priceless view… surrounded by beautiful fluffy clouds, saw a radiant glorious sunset that was sending us goodness…truly Sublime! People have been asking me if I was nervous/scared. Well, skydiving had been on my mind for the past year or so and I knew when I was “ready” the opportunity would show up. And sure enough, I met an amazing young lady named Sarah Ann Wagner whom is a licensed jumper…and when she invited me to go skydiving, I said “Yes…let’s do it”. Long story short, I did have feelings of fear and nervousness...and also excitement. I made a choice to just “be” with all the emotions/feelings and let them move through my body (not feed into them)…and not set any expectations either (although one thing I thought would be cool to do is be in a cloud and feel the energy of it). The day of the dive (yesterday…haha), we were hanging out, waiting for our names to be called…and although we had been scheduled to be in load #6, out of nowhere we got bumped up to load #4 and when they called my name I only had a couple of minutes to get suited up and got rushed on the plane…Whoa!! It took approximately 10+ minutes to ascend to approximately 13,500 feet…I used that time to get grounded, centered and allowed myself to be completely present in the moment…just “be”…embrace the experience, knowing all was just as it should be. And so I did…I surrendered and lived in the moment…and the jump went with Ease & Grace…through and through. I took it all in…and I had an absolutely Beautiful, Amazing, Incredible, Liberating, Peaceful, Unforgettable experience!!! Kinda proud of myself ;) Oh…and guess what else? My awesome, amazing instructor Matt Toth didn’t know about the cloud experience I had wanted…but...he took me in a big beautiful, fluffy, cloud and it was soooo COOOL being in it and feeling it!!!! The energy I felt was divine…simply Divine
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:17:29 +0000

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