Guess what! Today, I have completed one year of having quit my - TopicsExpress


Guess what! Today, I have completed one year of having quit my job. It all started as an innocent one month Europe solo backpacking trip. And last year, this day, I would never have imagined that the next 365 days would involve deep sea soloing in the South China Sea, being chased by a bear in Croatia, running with the bulls in Spain, watching gypsies do an original flamenco dance in a cave in Granada, climbing up Tigers Nest in Bhutan three times, making everyone in the clubs of Barcelona dance to Bollywood, travelling in the 28 hour journey to hell bus between Laos and Vietnam, diving in Krabi and losing my lenses and (half losing) my life jacket in the ocean, besides a hundred other things. The story is, hardly, only mine. I have been showered with extraordinary kindness everywhere I went. Couchsurfers hosted me everywhere in Europe, I was given free food in a cafe in Vietnam the first night I reached there just because I was new to the country, and a gypsy beggar in Rome gave me one and a half euros (Rs 120) when the ticket machine would not accept notes. Travelling they say, after a point of time is not just about the sights you see. It is mainly and finally about the people you meet along the way. The past year has seen over a hundred new people in my life, so many of whom have touched my hearts in a span of days. I have ended up changing plans to spend more time with three boys in Cat Ba Island, a German girl I met on a bus tour in Saigon, and a Belgian couple I met in a two hour drive from Valencia to Murcia. So, so many people whom I met just once, and still can make me smile every time I see any of their updates online. Last June, I always imagined Id come back after a month and take up a job again. I never did. Instead, I travelled to ten countries and went up the Himalayas. To make money, I have written for magazines, I have taken up freelance projects, but now I am doing another thing I love - taking people around the world. Hopefully, I can make it work. Quite simply put, its been the most exhilarating and adventurous 365 days of my life. One discovers living, on a mountain, on the banks of a river, in a hut, in a bar, sometimes only with oneself and sometimes with a hundred others. So, so many people have encouraged me and told me to keep going on. To every single one of you, a big thank you. Also, it might sound damn cheesy, but guys, if you really want to do something, go for it. It is strange, it does not make sense, but somehow the world will show you ways to get to it. p.s Follow the adventures at
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 06:34:46 +0000

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