Guess what? We have one last #367survivor joining the Jasmines - TopicsExpress


Guess what? We have one last #367survivor joining the Jasmines House family! Its Old Man Hank! Over the last year weve sent some of our volunteers down to the HSUS holding facility where the dogs were being held, waiting for release. Donna, one of those volunteers, fell absolutely in love with Hank, one of the most senior guys in the group. Hank waited patiently for over a year after being cut from his chain to go home. Heres what his new Mom wrote about him last night when he got home. No need to re-write this – its perfect: The moment we have all been waiting for: Hank is in the Building!! By way of introduction (for those whove not yet had the pleasure), Hank is many things, but above all, Hank is a survivor. Seized last year in a multi-state dogfighting bust, Hank has been waiting patiently for his case to work its way through the judicial system. I met Hank while volunteering at the HSUS temporary shelter where he his fellow pups were being cared for, and that big old head of his and saggy jowls just had me at hello. Hank was recently released, and we are delighted to announce that he has agreed to take us on as his first and forever family!! Hank may be old and scarred, with physical wounds that wont ever heal, but none of that matters to him. He is a happy soul thanks to the amazing care and love he received from the HSUS staff and volunteers. He is a living, breathing lesson in forgiveness, in letting go of old hurts, and savoring the moment (especially when the moment involves peanut butter!). I know I will learn from him every day, from all that he has to teach me about life and love and from his dignity and grace in growing old. Whether your days are few or many, Hank, we will make each one count, I promise you that. Thank you SO MUCH to Daisy and Kate for bringing Hank into our lives and making all this possible!! To Lou and Troy, Whitney and Michelle, Jenni and Scott and the hundreds of others who cared for and loved on Hank over the past year. You are all amazing and I so admire you all for the heart and soul that you put into these animals every single day. You believed in Hank when others might have written him off, and for that, he and I will be forever grateful. Welcome home, Hank! Life is good. Obviously, Hank is not up for adoption – he is home for good. Donna, his new mama and his hero, will care for Hank medically, and with all the love she has to give him for the rest of his days. Technically, Hank came through Jasmines House, but his adoption agreement goes out today! We think he broke a record for shortest time in foster care! ;) Even so, hes a JH alum now, and part of our family always, so youll get tons of updates! Way to go, Old Man Hank! #367family #oldmanhank
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:49:15 +0000

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