Guess who was missing at the funeral of the highest ranking - TopicsExpress


Guess who was missing at the funeral of the highest ranking military man killed in combat since Vietnam? Subject: Funeral of Army Major General Harold J. Greene General Harold Greene (Source: US Army/CNN) U.S. Army Major General Harold J. Greene *********************************************************************************************** AUGUST 5, 2014, 8:18 PM The two-star U.S. Army general who was killed in Afghanistan in an insider attack Tuesday was a native of upstate New York who held three advanced degrees from USC and whom colleagues described as a family man and a brilliant logistician with a quick sense of humor. Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, 55, known to friends as Harry, was believed to be the highest-ranking U.S. military official killed in action since the war began in Afghanistan in 2001. The shooter, who was wearing an Afghan army uniform, was also killed in the attack near Kabul, but not before he wounded 14 others. matt.pearce@latimes and Times staff writer David S. Cloud in Washington ************************************************************************************************ U.S. Army Major General Harold J. Greene was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place. The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene. After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father. General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on Aug. 5th, 2014. “He was an amazing man. I think the thing everyone remembers about Harry was how intelligent he was, his wicked sense of humor, how willing he was to step in to lend a hand,” said his friend Felicia Campbell, vice president of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Assn. of the United States Army. (He will be) …..remembered as an amazing man. She added. “Great soldier, great man, patriot. It’s a tremendous loss to our country.” (excerpt from LA Times article) But some people were missing at his funeral: NO President; NO Vice President; NO Secretary of State; NO Secretary of Defense. It WAS confirmed, however, that President Obama was playing golf at the time of the funeral. WHAT A DISGUSTING LACK OF RESPECT FROM OUR WHITE HOUSE! HOWEVER . . . It should also be noted that 3 high ranking diplomats were in attendance at the Michael Brown funeral in Ferguson, MO on Monday, August 4th. This quite clearly shows how differently this administration views the contribution of a Major General, who has devoted his life to the service of his country, and a street thug who robbed convenience stores.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 00:42:22 +0000

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