Guides All souls above a certain level have one or more guides. - TopicsExpress


Guides All souls above a certain level have one or more guides. Basically, the more evolved the soul, the more work for mankind’s sake, the more guides that soul will have to help him/her in work on the physical. Only by working for the good of others will a soul find a true connection with the Source. Guides help each individual, whatever the level they are on, to fulfil their destiny. The evolvement of the soul determines the guides and Soul Guardian each person will have during their physical life and during the time in spirit spent between lifetimes. One of the great laws of the Universe is LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Therefore your guides will reflect your own soul’s worth. Guides at the highest level will work not only with one particular individual, but groups of souls in spirit as well as on Earth. Therefore, many individuals can ‘share’ the same guide or guides. Everyone has a Soul Guardian. A Soul Guardian is not allocated to us for physical protection as many people think. A Soul Guardian is specifically to watch over our soul’s progress. This is necessary for each individual so that note can be taken for karmic reasons of all we do. All is noted, what we think, say or do. This is entered in the Akashic Records for all time. It is only when an entity reaches the highest level of evolvement that it is considered unnecessary to have a Soul Guardian. A Soul Guardian is allocated to one individual only at any given time. Soul Guardians, as well as guides, will change according to personal evolvement. Everyone has a Group Control Guide, a Soul Guardian or Guardian Angel, and other Guides; some people can have six or more. There are also Warring Guides (against evil) who help all souls in spirit. Clairvoyants may actually see their guides, whilst sensitives will feel their presence through their vibrations. On the higher levels, telepathy (thought process) is the means of communication between guides and individuals on the physical. A great deal of information can be channelled effectively in this way. Trance mediums are able to communicate vast amounts of information via a channel or guide, as the knowledge is not coming from them, but from their guide or helper. Some guides are known by a name or names according to who is channelling. Although names are not necessary, (they are not used in spirit), where a strong karmic link unites the guide and channeller, then the latter will be more comfortable in having a name to call his/her guide. The name is often connected to a past life they have shared. The relationship may have been familial, or that of a Soul mate or Twinned soul or a mixture of these. Guides are able to use telepathy to help us solve problems. They tune in to our thoughts and are there to comfort us by their presence when we are in need. Guides encourage and instil courage as well as teaching us. However they do not always come when called! They wish us to use our own intuition. We should not rely on our guides to make decisions for us on the physical. This is abdicating our own responsibility and Free Will. Guides are limited in how much they can assist us in our life’s progress. Until we pick up the baton and show we are ready to make changes, to take advantage of opportunities when they are presented, then they may well absent themselves. Our relationships with our guides can be seen as teacher/student. No one knows it all. We continue learning and making mistakes even at the highest level. For instance, guides on the lower levels in spirit have their own guides. On the highest level, these evolved souls who no longer need guides are there to help each other. Life on both sides is a continuous learning process. Our guides feel sorrow for us when they see us make a mess of our lives, or similarly see us hurt emotionally, by others on the physical. If we are aware of our guides then we will also be aware of the strength of their comfort at such times. All the major religions have used prophets or masters, who have at some time lived on Earth, to help connect us to what we perceive as our God/Creator. Many of these highly evolved souls, once returned to spirit, become guides to those on the physical. They can be guides to many individuals. In Spirit, guides can be perceived by their light and colour, according to their own evolvement. For just as there are different spiritual/awareness levels, each level has guides to teach/instruct. The lower levels may be perceived to each other as a rather murky yellow. There are shades of red and blue with the paler blue developing to a darker intense blue as the guide evolves. The darker intense blue, which is usually seen with an aura of bright White Light above the Crown, denotes the higher planes of intelligence and soul evolvement. There is also a colour purple/black, which is the highest in the spectrum. With the White Light, this is the colour of those perceived as Masters According to the soul development or sphere, the colour of the guide will change slowly and be seen by entities in spirit on the same level. In other words those on a lower level would not see the guides on a higher plane. However, they would be aware of and in awe of the force of their Vibration.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:12:12 +0000

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