Gullian Bar Syndrome This was posted by one of my ambassadors. - TopicsExpress


Gullian Bar Syndrome This was posted by one of my ambassadors. Awesome Story! PLEASE READ. I cant say it enough - THIS is why I got involved with Plexus!! Getting skinny is great, but seeing lives changed and qualities of life improved is what its all about!! Wow!! I am in tears reading this testimonial that my friend, Wendy, posted about her friend Kris. Truly a miracle happened for her!! There are times in your life that you meet people who inspire you. For me, Kristen is one of those people. She and I have been friends since the 2nd grade. In August of 2013 I heard that Kris had come down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I had no idea what this syndrome was, so I researched it. It is an autoimmune disorder where your own bodys immune system attacks your nerves. Guillain-Barre Syndrome initially affects the peripheral nervous system. Normally it starts with an acute form of paralysis in the lower body area and moves upwards. Gradually the patient loses all his/her reflexes and goes into complete body paralysis. Guillain Barre Syndrome is a life threatening disorder. Unfortunately many people lose their lives without proper and prompt medical treatment. Kris did became completely paralyzed except for her eyes. She was put into a medically induced coma, given a tracheostomy and put on a ventilator for over 3 weeks. In order to recover, Kristen spent months in two different rehab facilities in 2 different states. This was heartbreaking to hear since I know she has two precious sons who were missing their mom daily! A rigorous schedule of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and respiratory therapy followed. Kris had to re-learn skills like sitting, standing, eating and walking. She is a strong woman and she pushed her boundaries daily, resulting in amazing leaps and bounds in her recovery. The recovery was not easy, but by mid-November, Kris had abandoned the wheelchair and was walking unassisted with only 2 canes for stability. On November 27, 2013 Kris WALKED out of Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado and boarded a flight home to her sons. What a fantastic Thanksgiving they had! Throughout her recovery, her nerves slowly beginning to regenerate and it was an extremely painful process. Her Doctors gave her heavy amounts of a variety of prescription pain killers but it seemed like nothing truly helped. Kriss Physical Therapist told her that she needed to just work past the pain to get better. Being the amazing woman she is, she just forced herself to do it. Kris is a nurse and with two small boys to support and care for, she was anxious to get back to work. Her Doctor told her that the first step to making this happen was to get off off Hydrocodone. Naturally, this scared her very much! She was so tired of being in pain all of the time, it seemed like the pain was never ending. I hesitated before I reached out to Kris to ask her to give Plexus Nerve Health a try. I thought to myself.....what if she thinks Im crazy? Then I thought to myself.....what kind of friend would I be if I had knowledge of a product that could help her and I DIDNT share that knowledge? So I contacted Kris and gave her the information. She has since told me that she was kind of pessimistic about it at first. How could a natural product produce results where all prescription products had failed?! Fortunately, she decided to try it while she worked on lowering the amount of Hydrocodone she was taking. I am THRILLED to report that it worked! Kris tells me she hardly has any pain and is completely off of the Hydrocodone! After a few months, Kris added X-factor to help the absorption of the Nerve health and the results continue to astound everyone! She reports It has made my quality of life incredibly better because I am be able to enjoy everything about my day without pain. I am a huge fan of Plexus, especially the Nerve Health!! This 4th of July, Kris posted this... Truly an EPIC moment for me yesterday on the 4th of July!! 11 months after being completely paralyzed I am wake-surfing! I felt giddy for the next several hours. Like living in a dream!! I was thinking of where I was at a few months ago not being able to even walk, and not knowing if I would ever be able to do things like this again. This was a huge step of accomplishment for me. God is good....all the time!!! Congratulations Kristen, What a huge accomplishment. THANK GOD for this wonderful company and the all natural products they have on the market. This brought tears to my eyes......I bet her BOYS are SO proud of there mom and her friend who reached out to her today.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:52:54 +0000

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