Gumi’s letter, Zakzaky’s response Category: News Published on - TopicsExpress


Gumi’s letter, Zakzaky’s response Category: News Published on Friday, 12 December 2014 05:00 Written by Dr Ahmad Mahmud Gumi Hits: 382 There was exchange of letters recently between Dr Ahmad Mahmud Gumi and leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky. Excerpts of the letters by the two clerics are reproduced below: My Brother Ibrahim El-Zakzaky: it’s not too late to repent After registering my condolences to the recent loss of your three children who were gunned down by some elements in the military, I find it an obligation to help you see that some of your actions too are the contributing factors in this unfortunate avoidable tragedy. What I fear most for you and your followers is that the consequence of this tragedy may further alienate your group from the mainstream society and create a cult -if it’s not already one - with disastrous consequences on you, your followers and the nation at large. For you especially, on the Day of Judgment you will have your account to answers. My brother you have brought a lot of bad innovations among Nigerian Muslims that rather than unite the Muslims are further entrenching the divide without any added value to the worldly development nor the hereafter, but rather with serious theological implications in the hereafter. What triggered my attention to your group now is the most recent close encounter I made with a procession of your followers on the highway from Kano to Zaria yesterday 8th Dec. 2014 on my way to Dutse. About four to six thousand youth and children trekking long distance for hours. I gave a two hour lecture in Duste and met them still trekking on my way back. I cannot understand under which civil or religious law gave you the right and liberty to block one side of the double carriage road forcing motorists to cramp each other dangerously on one lane. If your actions is to propagate your creed, I am telling you, you will only attract the poor young ignorant miscreants of the society. Never the sane except of course the disgruntled. The delinquency of your followers and the disturbance of public peace is what makes you and them an easy target of the authority. This happening when you can as well do very well without such unscrupulous public misbehavior. Disruption of traffic flow is in fact a sign of unfaithfulness and lack of civilization. In a Hadith narrated by Muslim, the noble prophet -Alaihis Salatu was Salam- said: “Faith has seventy something or sixty something branches. The best of it is the testimony that there is no diety to worship except Allah and the least of it is removal of harm from the road and shyness is also a branch of faith.” And Al-bukhari narrated “that the prophet himself use to remove injurious things and dirt from the road”. All this to make the road and traffic safe and smooth. This is the good example you should copy. But unfortunately, instead of that, you are doing exactly the opposite by blocking roads and forcing vehicles to dangerously face each other on one lane displaying arrogance and lawlessness. Young men brandishing knives and unsheathed swords, beating their chest, carrying incitful placards and chanting hate songs. How can you be the good servants of Allah when you are exactly opposite of what the Quran described them? He quoted Q25/ 63-76. How can you be the good servants of Allah when you call other human beings beside him. We saw your placards calling: Ya Hussein. Hussein the Son of Ali - May Allah be pleased with them and all the companions- is dead. He can never answer your call and he will never. He will also deny you on the day of Judgment for calling him. The best you can do for any dead person is to pray for Allah’s mercy upon him. Allah said: “And who is in greater loss than he who calls besides Allah upon those that will not answer him till the day of resurrection and they are heedless of their call? * And when men are gathered together they shall be their enemies, and shall be deniers of their worshipping (them).” Q46/5-6 My Brother, you have already lost three children on this path to perdition and shirk, so please repent and don’t capitalize on the ignorance of our gullible youth to mislead them. If you don’t correct them now, when you die, Allah will not forgive you for whatever deviation they may add to yours. “That they may bear their burdens entirely on the day of resurrection and also of the burdens of those whom they lead astray without knowledge; now surely evil is what they bear.” Q16/25. My Brother, I write you this open letter for others also not necessarily in your sect to get admonition. It is never intended to trigger a sectarian argument. It’s about public order and mannerism. May Allah guide us all to his pleasure and give us the courage to revert back to the truth and what is righteous. Amin That letter by Dr Gumi to Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky By Ibrahim Usman I am not surprised with the content of an open letter written by Dr Gumi, meant for His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky at this particular time (forget the sinister “My Brother” tone and the crocodile tears of condolence). The choice of the time to write the letter gave Dr Gumi away, he was all out to attack Sheikh Zakzaky and the Arba’een symbolic trek currently taking place across the country. We are used to his constant attacks on Sheikh Zakzaky and Shi’a. This is not the first time Dr Gumi is complaining that members of the Islamic Movement led by Sheikh Zakzaky are blocking public roads in the name of procession. In 2009, Gumi registered the same complaint during his Tafsir in Sultan Bello Mosque. He went ahead dangerously to call on the government to shoot those he called ‘Shi’ites’ blocking public roads. According to him, Allah has given the government the “license to shoot them.” And the government heeded to the call. A week after, armed combined security operatives shot dead two people during the Quds Day procession in Zaria. The series of machinations by the government against the Islamic Movement in Nigeria had always been with the open support of Dr Gumi and his adherents. We believe that the letter was written with insidious intent to pave way for a greater onslaught on the Islamic Movement and Sheikh Zakzaky. It was also meant to incite Muslims against those he referred to as “Shi’ites.” The world arrogant powers, U.S. and Israel, are now all out to assassinate Sheikh Zakzaky and unleash terrorist attacks on all public gatherings of the Movement, especially the Arba’een symbolic trek. This is exactly what Dr Gumi is doing through the letter. He is doing their dirty work. For Dr Gumi who has lost credibility even among his circle to claim that the Shi’ites are chanting “hate songs,” is the pot calling the kettle black. In most of his Talk Shows that he calls Tafsir, he spends substantial part of his time unleashing venoms on Shi’a and Sheikh Zakzaky, while his uninformed and unruly listeners pollute the air with war cry. For long Dr Gumi has lost credibility among the Muslim fold, as he constantly sells Israel above the Muslims Ummah, describing Jews as the most religious and intelligent race over the Muslims. Because of this lost credibility, he envies the ever-increasing flow of Shi’ites and Shi’a awareness in Nigeria, while at the same time trying to establish his Wahabi brand of Islam in Nigeria. For the information of Dr Gumi, the Shi’ites are embarking on a mass trek to Zaria, as a symbolic gesture to the one in Karbala, Iraq to commemorate the fortieth day after the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS). The trek is to recall the trials and tribulations faced by the Household of the Holy Prophet, chained and dragged in the scorching desert from Karbala in Iraq, to Damascus in Syria, after the brutal killing of Imam Husain by the army of despotic Yazid. Dr Gumi should have read further before writing his misguided statement. Jabir Bin Abdullah al- Ansari was the aged companion of the Holy Prophet that pioneered the trek to the tomb of Imam Husain (AS) forty days after the tragedy of Karbala to pay his respect. He met other family members of the Imam there (Dabaqatil Kubrah of Ibn Sa’ad, page 254). This is our faith, our creed; it is our legs and bodies we use for the trek. Why is Dr Gumi so much worried like the CIA and MOSSAD? I have not even for once heard Dr Gumi complaining of road blockade during political rallies and other mob activities, but activities of the Shi’ites worried Dr Gumi so much that he billows. He questioned our rights to embark on a procession or trek, we have every right as citizens to demonstrate for or against, propagate and practice our creed. Let Dr Gumi rejoice over the killing of Husain, grandson of the Holy Prophet, son of Fatimah and Ali, as he always does. As we mourn and beat our chests, we say: O self, you are worthless after Hussain. My life and death are one and the same. So be it if they call me insane! As for the trek, he which detests so much, we proclaim as we march forward: If they sever our legs and hands, We shall crawl to Husain!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:40:04 +0000

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