Gunnar Christensen-- Of course thats what the IRS Director is - TopicsExpress


Gunnar Christensen-- Of course thats what the IRS Director is going to say. Does that mean its true? What am I missing here? Alan H. Gerson --You are missing the Timeline. You are assuming he would lie under oath. You are missing that 10 million emails were already turned over to the Committee. You are missing the fact that there is No evidence in those 10 million emails to implicate the White House. You are missing that this isnt a fact finding exercise, its a search for a political smoking gun. You are missing that the Truth isnt really the goal here...the goal is to keep the suspicion and distrust alive as long as possible. You are missing that just because the IRS Director says it...doesnt mean it is untrue. Gunnar Christensen -Did not mean to open up a can of worms. Sorry. I guess I do inherently distrust politicians both republican and democrat. The lies out of D.C. seem never ending to the point of we dont know who and what to believe. I read the story and it was a pretty simple few paragraphs. They asked him if he hid anything from congress and he said no. So end of story. Alan H. Gerson --My apology. This witch hunting has gone on so long without any finding of fault it just infuriates me. They are not seeking truth...just conducting political circus The polling shows that they have been misled so long and so well that they cant recognize that the truth is there is no scandal or conspiracy here...and this committee has as much interest in the Truth as you have in a third term for President Obama.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:14:15 +0000

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