Guns, like the examples listed in the image, are tools. And tools - TopicsExpress


Guns, like the examples listed in the image, are tools. And tools dont have minds of their own. Tools are simply machines that people build to make difficult tasks easier. Pencils are tools that make writing easier. Cars are machines that make travel easier (as an unintended consequence, they also happen to make drunk people into incredibly dangerous road missiles.) Spoons are tools that make it easier for us to shove food into our mouths, and guns are machines that make it easier for us to kill one another. So the question isnt whether its the guns OR the humans who are to blame for murder, that is called a *false dichotomy. A false dichotomy is a smoke screen. It exists only to fool and distract people from important questions. Questions like: Do we want our neighbors to own killing machines? Or, have we as Americans demonstrated that we deserve the right to have access to killing machines? Personally, my answer would be no. Someone else might answer yes, or maybe, and thats fine. We could talk about that. We could weigh the pros and cons and have a debate about those questions. But in order to have a productive debate, we have to ask the right questions. It seems evident that Stewie here, (and the NRA) are using this false dichotomy (either its the people or the guns, choose a side) as a way to divert the public from having a real discussion. I wonder why they would want to do that? Maybe its because they know that if we were able to have a real discussion about guns, they would be in trouble.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:34:30 +0000

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