Gurdjieff has been much criticized because he was a liar – and - TopicsExpress


Gurdjieff has been much criticized because he was a liar – and the lying came from the Sufis; he was a Sufi. He was disciplined in Sufi monasteries and schools. And in the West, in fact, he introduced Sufism in this age in a totally new version. But then it was impossible for the ordinary Christian mind to understand him because truth is a value, and nobody can think that a master, an enlightened master, can lie. Can you think of Jesus lying? And I know he lied – but Christians cannot think about it: “Jesus lying? No, he is the truest man.” But then you don’t know – the question of knowledge is very, very dangerous. He lied about many things – a master has to, if he wants to help. Otherwise, he can be a saint, but no help is possible from him. And without helping, a saint is already dead. If a saint cannot help, what is the use of his being here? ...
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:54:23 +0000

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