Gurjieff , a famous Russian thinker , through his knowledge gained - TopicsExpress


Gurjieff , a famous Russian thinker , through his knowledge gained through their studies and experiences over many years , outlined 20 rules that can improve the quality of the inner life of a person. Just at least ten of them able to be treated that can surely lead a more serene , quiet , confident life without fear , anxieties or concerns . Try to assimilate and put into practice some of these skills and prove its effectiveness : 1. Take breaks of 10 minutes every 2 hours of work maximum. Repeat these pauses in daily life and think of you , analyzing their attitudes . 2 . Learn to say NO without feeling guilty or think you hurt someone . Wanting to please everyone is a huge tear. 3 . Plan your day, yes, but always leave a good space for improvisation , aware that not everything depends on you . 4 . Focus on only one task at a time . Why are more agile than their mental picture , you are exhausted . 5 . Forget it, once and for all , that you are indispensable , whether at work , at home, in the usual group. As much as it displeases you , all walks without his performance , except yourself. 6 . Let go of being responsible for the pleasure of all. 7 . Ask for help whenever necessary, having the good sense to ask the right people . 8 . Differentiate real problems of imaginary problems and eliminate the latter , because they are a waste of time and take up valuable mental space for more important things. 9. Try to find pleasure in everyday events like sleeping , eating and bathing , without also think that is the maximum you can achieve in life . 10 . Avoid getting involved in other peoples anxiety and tension. Wait a while and then resume the dialogue , the action . 11 . Family is not you, is with you, make up your world , but it is not its own identity . 12 . Understand that principles and closed convictions can be a great load lock movement and search. 13. You must always have someone in whom you can trust and talk openly . 14. Learn the right time to step aside , to withdraw from the stage , leaving the wheel . Never miss the sense of subtle importance of a discrete output . 15 . Do not wonder if they spoke ill of you or torment yourself with this mental junk , listen to what they have well with analytical reserve, without any conviction . 16. Competing at leisure , at work, in life together , its great ... for anyone staying exhausted and lose the best. 17. The stiffness is good in the stone, not in humans. As it fits firmly. 19. Do not abandon its three large and steadfast friends : intuition, innocence and faith. 20 . Understand , once for all , and definitely consultivamente : you are what you do. - By Gurjieff -
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:32:39 +0000

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