Guru Har Rai Sahibjee the seventh Guru Of the Sikhs January - TopicsExpress


Guru Har Rai Sahibjee the seventh Guru Of the Sikhs January 31st is being celebrated as prakash purab (Birth) of the seventh guru (Spiritual enlighter/guide) of the Sikh faith, GURU HAR RAIJEE. The seventh Guru, was the son of Baba Gurditta and grandson of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. He was born in January 1630 at Kiratpur, in present-day Ropar district of the Punjab. In 1640, he was married to Sulakkhanijee, daughter of Daya Ram of Anupshahr, in Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh. He was gentle by nature and had a devout temperament. He was Guru Hargobinds favourite grandchild, and he had been given the name of Har Rai by the Guru himself. Guru Hargobind saheb knew Har Raijee to be the fittest to inherit the light from him. He nominated him as his successor and consecrated him Guru before departing this life in March 1644. Guru Har Rai kept the stately style Guru Hargobindjee had introduced. He was attended by 2,200 armed followers, but no further conflict with the ruling power occurred. He was man of peace but never disbanded the army. He established three important preaching missions called bakhshishan’s for the spread of Guru Nanaks teaching. Once, record old texts, as a young child Guru Sahib was running in the flower garden at Kiratpur Sahib. He was wearing a baggy cloak (Chola). While running the cloak he brushed passed some flowers, thus the flowers were damaged. With love and compassion, Guru Hargobind Sahib jee, the seventh Gurus grandfather, explained: Always walk and move with care. Look after and manage your cloak and ensure that it doesnt hurt or damage anything in its path. Guru Hargobind Sahib jee taught his grandson that one should watch how one walks and work on oneself. Guru Sahib promised his grandfather, that he would in the future be careful in his responsibilities towards man, animals and plants. Boundless compassion and charity were reflected in all his actions and dealings with others throughout Guru Sahibs life. Guru Sahib founded free hospitals, herbal medical clinics, animal sanctuaries and beautiful gardens. Guru Har Rai Sahib jee developed Kiratpur sahib as a town of parks and gardens. Located on the banks of tributary of the Sutlej, he planted flowers and fruit bearing trees all over the area. This created a salubrious environment, attracting beautiful birds to the town and turning it into an idyllic place to live in. The Guru would go hunting; capturing animals he would care for them and give them treatment. When the animals were healthy and fit they would be released into the animal sanctuary or forest. The Guru also established an Aurvedic (herbal medicine) hospital and a research center at Kiratpur Sahib where he also maintained a zoo. Once Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Shah Jahan fell seriously ill by some unknown disease (usually explained as trimmings of tigers whiskers sneaked into his food by his envious sibling, Aurangzeb.). The court hakims (physicians), both Indian and European attempted cures, but there was no improvement. At last the emperor made a humble request to the Guru for the treatment of his son. Accepting the request Guru Har Rai, sent some medicinal herbs, then available only in his Aurvedic hospital, back with the emperors messenger. Dara Shikoh was cured of his near fatal illness. The emperor, whole heartedly thanked the Guru and offered a jagir (title to land and villages and a portion of the profits (lagaan) derived from it), which Guru Har Rai declined. This gurgaddi (Guruship) day of Har Rai Saheb in March is celebrated as the SIKH ENVIRONMENT DAY as the events connected for preservation and respect of environment in the life of Guru Har Raijee and one could find references to the environment and nature at number of places in the GURBANI (Guru Granth Sahibjee). Confirming the presence of the Creator in His creation, the gurbani says: “Baleharee Kudrat Vasiya”, which means, I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power which is pervading everywhere. And also narrates, “Pavan Guru, Pani Pita, Mata Dharat Mahat !!”, which means Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all. The Gurmat (Sikh Guru’s teachings) describes air as the Guru, water as the Father and the earth as the mother and has told us to respect and take care of these three elements Protection and preservation of the environment is the responsibility of every human being to keep the Planet Earth safe for human life and to prevent manmade disasters. We remember this great spiritual Guru Har Rai Saheb today on his prakash purab.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:03:43 +0000

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