Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji on 30th Aug 2014 BIMTECH-Birla - TopicsExpress


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji on 30th Aug 2014 BIMTECH-Birla Institute of Management Technology(official) “Happiness is when you want nothing and you want to give. Happiness is where wants and desires end and sharing begins.”- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on happiness. His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader of global repute, addressed a gathering, bestowed his blessings and enlightened a select gathering of corporate leaders, civil servants, academicians, professionals, and diplomats with his special address on “Success and Happiness “organized by BIMTECH at the India Expo Mart, Greater Noida. as a part of the celebrations of 10 years of BIMTECH Greater Noida campus. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian and spiritual leader, an ambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work, Sri Sri has inspired millions around the world with a vision of a stress and violence-free world. He has founded courses like the Art of Living that provide techniques and tools to live a deeper, more joyous life and he has established non-profit organizations that recognize a common human identity above the boundaries of race, nationality, and religion. His Holiness was greeted by Dr. H Chaturvedi, the Director of BIMTECH and Anupam Varma, Deputy Director of BIMTECH with a bouquet and a garland, followed by a ceremonial lighting of the lamp. In his welcome address Dr. Chaturvedi described Sri Sri Ravi Shankar as an embodiment of peace, love and inter-religious understanding who has spread the teachings of Lord Krishna and Mahatma Gandhi to the world and has rekindled the traditions of Yoga, through his preaching of Sudarshan Kriya and other meditative practices. Then Sri Sri captivated the audience with his enchanting words and the hall was enveloped in an air of spirituality and enlightenment. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar started his spiritual address by asking a simple question “What is the definition of success?” Then he explained that there is a huge difference between what the world perceives as success, and what true success actually means. According to Guruji, a person is truly successful when he/she has a confidence that cannot be shaken, a fearless attitude towards life, is ethical and honest, believes that he/she can create wealth wherever he/she goes and touches people’s lives with love, magnanimity and compassion. He also explained about his visions for a progressive and healthy society, a society where hospital beds are available for every patient and the prisons are empty. Guruji then stressed on the importance of 4 Ts in our lives; Truth, Technology, Trade and Tradition. The manner in which technology is upgraded from time to time; a society should also revive the other Ts such as Trade and Tradition with changing times. Sri Sri differentiated between success and wealth. He said that wealth does not define success, wealth can be stolen, or gained by unethical means. Success is achieved by doing things ethically and in the right manner. To really achieve success or to become successful, one should redefine his definition of success, and should not be in a hurry to acquire wealth. One should be patient and persistent to achieve success, and focus on the important things in life as we have “attention deficiency”. He then enlightened the crowd by speaking on happiness. He said, that we cannot be happy until we don’t leave behind the past. Unpleasant memories are the biggest hindrance for one to be happy in the present. He further added, one cannot be happy until his surroundings are unhappy. He then focused on the importance of spreading happiness among others. He said that we should have a nature of spreading happiness and sharing our joy with others. Talking about India, he said that people have started discarding culture and need to enhance the beauty of our traditions. He further added that not all old is bad and not all new is good. As technology is there for our bodily comfort, in the same way spirituality is there for the comfort our mind and soul. He not only urged the audience to take care of their “mental hygiene” through meditation, but also showed them the way to practice meditation through a 20 minute session which was highly engrossing and relaxing at the same time. Followed by this session was a question answer round where many people from the audience asked Guruji questions pertaining to various aspects of life, to which Guruji gave enriching answers that rooted deep down from his understandings of life and spirituality. Eventually, his Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar blessed a mango sapling, which signifies that the fruits of life should be shared with everyone. He ended the memorable and eventful program by saying that we can never be successful and happy until we are at peace with ourselves.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:33:29 +0000

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