Guuuuuuys.....I have done a thing....Im rather scared with myself, - TopicsExpress


Guuuuuuys.....I have done a thing....Im rather scared with myself, as more is coming.... (RP) Lucian stood out in the courtyard, the clashing and steel ringing loud in his ears. It was merely months after the Civil War of BloodWyrm Haven came to a close. Kyprioth’s Legion was known to all, and he was now charged with training the new Fledglings that he had pulled into the ranks. His temper had been rising, was it the sun beaming down on him…the sweat racing down his spine due to his armor he proudly wore…or the sheer incompetence of the people he had seen as worthy to wear the Raven. None-of-the-less he carried on, only one goal had been on his mind since the last gathering of the Haven. That goal being to crush the Pirates of Stormwall for their transgressions against his home, the Banner that once flew high in the lands had been stolen by these blasted Pirates that he had foolishly trusted. His concentration on the Fledglings had been lost, but a question had brought him back to reality. “Captain, I just cant seem to remember the Charge Incantation, can you help me again?” With a rather frustrated sigh, Lucian faced his recruit, the Fledgling flinched slightly as the new scar across Lucian’s face. “Monk, if you cant even remember the simplest of things, how do you expect to stay alive on the Field of Battle to support the archers, and push back the enemy Wizards?” With a quick shake of the head Lucian took in a deep breath. “Once again, recruits, each and every one of you would benefit to remember these words, as it may save you on the field. Here is how it goes…” With one more quick breath Lucian began: “Out of battle I pause to rest, To take some time to catch my breath…” A sudden surge of energy began to course through his body, heating his entire being, each muscle twitching. “Return to me my fleeting power, To aid me in my Darkest Hour!” He exclaimed, A small flash of light from his eyes went across the courtyard. For a split second Lucian felt as though no heat, whether magical, or natural was able to touch him, a feeling he had felt many a time. Without even a second glance he turned on his heel, and began to walk away, “Fledglings your survival guides, have everything you need to know, maybe if you opened the damned things you would learn something. Now PRACTICE!” He said, rather frustrated, knowing if he complained to much his General might replace him and make him useful elsewhere. The clang of steel on steel began again, the recitation of Incantations joining in, a small smirk crossed his lips, to then be stripped away as his thoughts came upon another troubling situation. His new ambition, which he knew would be a rough road, was to climb the ranks of the Monarchy again and claim his rightful place in the seat as Champion. He knew Baroness Dahlia would put his skills to the test again, but he was ready to prove himself to the Barony again. He knew it wouldnt be easy, but he had to do it, it was time someone stood up and showed the Populace what it took. “But damn it, I must remember my respect towards Lord Caim…” He sighed, “How to do this without driving the people into yet another Civil War. I know what must be done, but am I truly willing to risk everything I have done for my home, to straighten out some issues as well as building a defense against the other Provinces that wish us harm?” With a frustrated growl, Lucian had found his way into his study and sat behind his desk, where he remained until morning, reading……
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:53:46 +0000

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