Guy goes to a doctor and says. D-D-D-Doc... I... I... I... I g-got - TopicsExpress


Guy goes to a doctor and says. D-D-D-Doc... I... I... I... I g-got this this this aw aw-aw-ful stu-stu-stu-stuttering pr-pr-problem. Can you heh heh-heh-help me ow-ow-out? Doctor says Drop your pants. Guy says I ga-ga-got a stuttering pr-pr-problem... wha-wha-why I got to-to-to dr-dr-drop my pa-pa-pants? Doctor says Im the doctor here... do as I tell you! So the guy drops his pants and the doctor says A-HAAA! Just as I suspected. Your penis is too long and this puts excess strain on your vocal cords, thus stretching them and causing you to stutter. Well do a procedure and cuts some of the length off and youll be fine. The guy agrees and the surgery is performed in which a large section is removed. Three months later same guy returns to the doctor and says Well Doc, you were right. I no longer stutter, but Im miserable, my girlfriend is miserable, and Id like you to reattach the section you took off. The doctor says N-n-n-no wa-way, bu-bu-buddy!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:54:34 +0000

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