Guyana had a General Election in 2011. Constitutionally elections - TopicsExpress


Guyana had a General Election in 2011. Constitutionally elections are due every five years. Ordinarily, we should be heading to the polls again in 2016 where the people of our dear land, as in any democracy, will decide who they want in Government. In 2011 the people of Guyana, in exercising their democratic right to choose a government, gave us as a nation a configuration for Government. They said they wanted the PPP/C to make up the Cabinet but that they wanted the opposition parities to have a majority in the National Assembly. This was the Govt the people mandated. I would like to think that the people of Guyana expected that all the leaders in the National Assembly would be mature and sensible enough to let our love for Guyana and for Guyanese prevail in whatever decisions were going to be made in the National Assembly. The AFC has said that they will topple the Govt by bringing a no confidence motion. the APNU has, after some apparent reluctance, said they would support that motion. The President has said that he will exercise his constitutional options and either dissolve or prorogue the Parliament. Ironically, there is now a claim that this statement by the President is undemocratic. I say ironically because clearly, those who would make that argument are failing to see that by denying the people of Guyana the effectiveness of what they voted for (the said configuration in parliament) is actually the undemocratic act. It is taking away from the people their expectation that we could and would function as a mature people, a mature democracy with the PPP/C in Government while the Opposition enjoys a majority in the National Assembly. It is through a backdoor kind of mechanism trying to change the configuration the people gave us to work with. Love for country, love for the people we have all sworn to serve must be what is paramount in our decisions we take as Parliamentarians. right?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:10:08 +0000

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