Guys I posted in a group to gauge feedback regarding the idea that - TopicsExpress


Guys I posted in a group to gauge feedback regarding the idea that fathers should automatically be given 100% custody on separation and suggested mothers simply did not have the emotional ability to raise socially adjusted children by themselves. Well as you can imagine the feedback was interesting, with 80 plus comments suggesting all types of things... In reality the post was to test a theory and I wasnt at all surprised by the responses. Here is my last post to let the cat out of the bag ;) Thanks for those of you who commented and admin that was smart enough to see the intent of the post. While a little controversial for some the idea is actually something we experience as fathers, and is the all too common mantra from professional advocates for female rights that work within government and the legal system. When you realise the system isnt about your family or your rights but predominately about your money, youll maybe then start to get the message that playing the game as they ask us to is doing more harm than good. I would suggest many people in this group read and simply ignored my comments, because lets face it, they are ridiculous! Bravo to the men who suggested it was poor form and prefer the notion of 50/50 as the answer, thank you my brothers my faith was confirmed. As for the ladies, well lets just say we kind of knew the reaction and you didnt disappoint! Let me ask you again, if 100% custody for men is so wrong why then does our system use this exact format against the majority of fathers that find themselves before the courts? And why do the majority of Australians simply ignore this fact and bemoan the system and its dreaded formulas? I think its great that you can vent here about the CSA and feel part of something that allows you to display your contempt, but in reality youre wasting your time. My friends, youre better off reading the works of great writers of taking up painting or dance lessons, at least youll get something out of it! The ability to really change the system is in your hands which means while your choose to do nothing thats exactly what youll get! Sure some of you suggest you have political connections to solve our woes but again you fail to understand they simply dont care, the only person who can change the system is you! So.... what are you going to do about it? #21fathers
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:14:19 +0000

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