Guys, it is really not a good idea to bring an untrained dog into - TopicsExpress


Guys, it is really not a good idea to bring an untrained dog into the park during con. It is very crowded, hot, and very stressful. It is even stressful for MOST service dogs. I have been having to do special sessions with Nova just to get her OK with being at the con and with crowds and such. It is crowded all day. There are people running, mascot costumes, other dogs, strange props. So many things that would scare many dogs. It is really not a good idea to bring them to the park. Many dogs have been poisoned in that park especially around the time of con. Why? Because there are so many people and people are dicks. If you decide to bring your dog anyway, make sure your dog is not aggressive or scared of other animals. Train your dog to leave it. Train your dog that mascots and large props are A-OK. If your dog is the type to lunge at people running, you probably shouldnt bring them. If they bark at other dogs, you probably shouldnt bring them. Signs of a stressed/scared dog include- Yawning, licking lips, whale eyes, pinned ears, tight mouth, raised lips, growling, barking, whining, tail between legs. If your dog does any 2 of the first 6 things I mentioned under minimal stress, you should consider leaving your dog home. If your dog does any of the last 6, you should consider leaving your dog home and definitely leave your dog home if they growl or bark at other dogs or children. Also, people like to pet dogs without permission. If your dog is not cool with that, you shouldnt bring your dog to the park. People tend to pet dogs that even say do not pet on them. Know that dogs have been drugged at that park in the past. So if your dog likes to pick up tidbits while walking and dont have leave it while walking down, for their own safety leave them at home. Please consider training on location. Day 0 might be a good test run to see if your dog is OK with the things that are going to be at con. If you know your dog is bad with other dogs, children and strange people petting them, you should leave your dog at home. Please.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:51:44 +0000

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