Gwendolyn James a message for you! I Am Very Weary It will be - TopicsExpress


Gwendolyn James a message for you! I Am Very Weary It will be remembered as one of the most confounding missing-persons cases. In August of 1930, forty-five-year-old Joseph Crater waved good-by to friends after an evening meal on a New York restaurant, flagged down a taxi, and rode off. He was never seen or heard from again. Fifty years of research has offered countless theories but no conclusions. Since Crater was a successful New York Supreme Court Judge, many have suspected murder, but a solid lead has never been found. Other options have been presented: kidnapping, Mafia involvement, even suicide. A search of his apartment revealed one clue. It was a note attached to a check, and both were left for his wife. The check was a sizable amount, and the note simply read, “I’m very weary. Love, Joe”. The note could have been nothing more than a thought at the end of a hard day. Or it could have meant a great deal more-the epitaph of a despairing man. Weariness is tough. I don’t mean the physical weariness that comes from mowing the lawn or a hard day of decisions and thinking. No, weariness that attacked Judge Crater is much worse. It’s the weariness that comes just before you give up. That feeling of honest desperation. It’s the dispirited father, the abandoned spouse, or the retiree with time on his hands. It’s that stage in life when motivation disappears: the children grow up, the job is lost, and the wife is gone. The results are weariness-deep, lonely, frustrated weariness. Only one man in history has claimed to have an answer for it. He stands before all the Joseph Craters (Sam Beam) of the world with the same promise: “Come to me, all you who are weary . . . and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). I give you this Gwen as you get ready to leave you Father again to come home (Yeah!). It is wonderful what you do for him on a regular basis but take heart as long as he physically here he can only find real rest and self-worth in his personal relationship with God. When he goes to his eternal home all will be well forever. Take joy in your efforts, cherish your time spent, know all can be well on earth if he chooses, and all will be well forever one day in his eternal mansion and the best possible neighbor of all time. Love you - Teddy James
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 21:11:25 +0000

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