H.E. PRESIDENT UHURU KENYATTA. Dear Mr. President, I am going - TopicsExpress


H.E. PRESIDENT UHURU KENYATTA. Dear Mr. President, I am going to reveal to you some very important home truths that may earn me condemnation from the so-called Muslim religious leaders and one or two of your own advisers. Mr President, you have a major problem with radical Muslim youth at the Coast which is growing by the week, if not month. Mr President, you will never solve the problem of these radical Muslim youths as long as you continue to rely on tried and tested methods which have been found seriously wanting. These, to name them, are: l. A Government bureaucracy and incompetent police deeply rooted in their old-fashioned and outmoded ways. They are completely divorced from the reality on the ground. Does your Mombasa County Commissioner, Nelson Marwa, even know the layout of the trouble spots in the Mombasa mitaas ? I bet he has never set foot in those hoods. 2. If you take a look at the quality of the men who are supposedly your intelligence officers on the ground, you will be shocked. It is hard to believe such men are in charge of our security. 3. When you have a problem with Muslim radical youth, you Sir and your fellow leaders call in those who claim to be Muslim religious leaders. 4. The shocking truth of the matter is that these so-called religious leaders do not represent the Muslim community. They represent themselves and their briefcase organisations. They have never been elected popularly by the Muslim community. 5. So, Mr President, the result is that we only have elected Muslim political leaders but not elected Muslim religious leaders. 6. These so-called Muslim religious leaders cannot speak for radical Muslim youth. They cannot go anywhere near radical Muslim youth because they can be lynched as sellouts. 7. Yet these so-called Muslim religious leaders are the ones you count upon to pacify the radical Muslim youth. How can that be possible ? They dont even exchange the time of day. The radical Muslim youth avoid the mosques where these Muslim religious leaders gather to preach. 8. You say in your Bible the truth shall set you free. May it set me free now, because after the killing of eight innocent Muslim youth and jailing of eight-year-olds by your police, I have to speak the truth. It will earn me hatred of the Muslim religious leaders this applies to, but I can live with their wrath. 9. What I cant put up with is to suppress this widely known truth and incur the curse of Allah for our Prophet has warned us that those who are learned and do not use their pen in a righteous way, for the sake of Allah, they shall go to Hell. 10. That is why I am informing you that Muslims do not have an elected religious leadership that can act as a bridge between your Government and radical Muslim youth. 11. Last month I went to Mombasa for three weeks. I went there for some treatment. After that, I spoke on phone to one of your men who advises you and I told him I was ready to probe radical youth grievances by talking to radical leaders who trust and respect me such as Makaburi. I told him if he would facilitate, I was ready to even risk going to Kwale and Kilifi and find out more. Then I would make a report on the basis of my findings which could lead to a direct meeting between the Government and the radical youth. Your man simply told me he will talk it over with me on my return to Nairobi. 12. That was before this ugly situation occurred. 13. Now that it has occurred, with eight confirmed dead and over 109 locked up including eight-year-olds, where are the so-called religious leaders to communicate to you the grievances of these youth ? Does your adviser and your Mombasa County Commissioner know these grievances ? 14. The answer is a big No. The so-called religious leaders will not go anywhere near the radical youth, but would go and give misleading information to your County Commissioner. 15. From my study of news reports, it is my belief that there are two radical groups in Mombasa. 16. One is the traditional radical group that includes clerics like Makaburi. The other is made up of trained infiltrators from Somalia. One needs to know the difference between them and deal accordingly with them. Nobody knows the leadership face of these trained newcomers. Yet they are responsible for the wave of killings at the Coast. 17. Mr President, since Muslim religious leaders are unwilling to talk to radicals like Makaburi, I have taken the trouble of telephoning him half an hour ago from Nairobi - he is in Mombasa - and asking him to give me a list of their radical youth grievances. 18. Mr President, these are the main grievances listed by Makaburi in this order: a. The Government should strictly operate in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of Kenya; b. Those who had been sent to Uganda and other countries in rendition must be brought back home and given compensation; c. Action be taken against the Mombasa County Commissioner and Police Chief who ordered the invasion of Musa Mosque i.e. by taking them to court; d. The relatives of the dead must be given full compensation; e. The killers of Aboud Rogo, Samir and others must be arrested and tried; e. Those arrested and being held at Shimo must be released and given compensation. I asked Makaburi: What about jobs ? He replied: Aaah aaah. God will give us jobs.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 22:14:29 +0000

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