H. H. Bapu’s defamation is due to foreign Companies incurring - TopicsExpress


H. H. Bapu’s defamation is due to foreign Companies incurring losses ! – Shri. Suresh Chavhanke, Editor, Sudarshan channel Shri. Suresh Chavhanke, the Editor of ‘Sudarshan’, a national news channel said, “All controls of ‘Sudarshan’ news channel are with H. H. Bapuji although I own the channel. Presently, it is necessary to remember the form of Bhagavan Srikrushna with ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ in His hand. Few news channels are making false accusations against H. H. Bapuji. There are 4 crores of devotees of H. H. Bapuji. H. H. Bapuji has freed many people of addictions and immoral behaviour. His mission has caused huge losses to foreign companies; therefore, H. H. Bapuji is being defamed by these companies giving 100 – 200 crores of rupees.” Congress, which is maligning H. H. Bapu’s name, needs to first see how many of their leaders have dirty hands ! – Shri. Ramesh Shinde, national spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) Shri. Ramesh Shinde, HJS Shri. Ramesh Shinde, HJS Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of HJS said, “Many missionaries and maulavis have been accused with immorality; but news channels never open their mouth about them; it is, therefore, most condemnable that H. H. Bapu’s name is being maligned. There are so many women attending H. H. Bapuji’s program which itself is a proof of H. H. Bapu’s innocence. Congressmen are slinging mud at H. H. Bapu; but they need to first check with own party that how many of their leaders, spokespersons have tarnished image.” If Hindus remain quiet / indifferent when Saints are being defamed, they will not be pardoned ! – Shri. Sunil Shastri Maharaj Poojya Shri. Sunil shastri Maharaj said, “The Constitution has conferred equal right to all for expressing own feelings; like the media has, so also pro-Hindu activists. Nobody should try to deprive us of this right. It is not an attack on only H. H. Bapuji; but several Saints have been facing similar defamation. If all Hindus remain quiet at such time, ‘Bharatmata’ will never forgive them. “ Sriram Sena supports H. H. Bapu ! – Shri. Pramod Mutalik, Sriram Sena Shri. Pramod Mutalik, the President of Sriram Sena said, “MP Sharad Yadav has been maligning H. H. Bapuji’s name from sitting in such Parliament where there are several bad people; but he says nothing about them. Sriram Sena supports H. H. Bapuji.” Anti-superstitions Act has been passed in Maharashtra only to defame and arrest Saints ! – Shri. Abhay Vartak, Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha Shri. Abhay Vartak, Sanatan Sanstha Shri. Abhay Vartak, Sanatan Sanstha Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson, Shri. Abhay Vartak said, “The Government finds it difficult to catch hold of a single Saint; therefore, Maharashtra Government has passed anti-superstitions Act to arrest all Saints at one stroke by defaming them. This Act will have adverse effect on Saints’ biographies, religious rituals etc. Hindus should watch only ‘Sudarshan’ channel by boycotting news channels which are defaming H. H. Bapu and read ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ so that people, who are anti-Hindu Dharma, can be opposed at ideological level.” Poojya Shri. Dinesh Bharati from Jammu, Poojya Swami Om Saiji Maharaj, the Executive President of Hindu Mahasabha, Dr. Sumanji from Jharkhand and Maulana Bilal Abdul Karim Qadri etc. took part in the program. Highlights This ‘satsang’ was going on for more than 4 hours but none of the devotees got up and left in between. Slogan like ‘Bharatmata ki Jai’ was raised before start of speech by every Saint and the area was resonating with such acclamation. Appeals made by various Saints who shared the dais ! Now is the time for revolution and not peace ! Boycott anti-Hindu media ! Teach a lesson to rulers in 2014 elections who are supporting these heretics ! Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat F
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 07:23:35 +0000

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