H O L Y ~ D A Y S ~ S P E C I A L S ~ During D E C E M B E R 2 - TopicsExpress


H O L Y ~ D A Y S ~ S P E C I A L S ~ During D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 = H A L F ~ P R I C E ~ 5 0 % O F F < < < 1 MINUTE REGULAR $100 /; Minute during DECEMBER = 50% OFF = $50 / MINUTE + 2 for 1 = YOU buy 1 Minute in English = Youd Get 1 Minute of Advertising en Espanol for FREE during DECEMBER 2014. Buy 1 Week = 4 Minutes = Get 1 Minute Extra FREE during December 2014. + Get One Week FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA Buy 3 Months = 12 minutes = Get 4 Minutes FREE During December 2014 + Get One MONTH FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA Buy 1 YEAR = 48 minutes = Get 12 Minutes FREE During December 2014. + Get 12 MONTHS / 1 YEAR FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA > > > 50% OFF on CHANNELINGS / MEDIUM SERVICES < < < WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONNECT with Your RELATIVES / LOVE ONES, that went to be with the Lord? from The HIGHER DIMENSIONS? (Connection with your death Relatives, NOT REALLY Death! just on a Higher DIMENSION 4TH, 5TH, 6TH, 7TH, 8TH, 9TH, Etc.) WE CAN HELP YOU! 100% EFFECTIVE MEDIUMS to the BEings of LIGHT & LOVE US LISTENERS/Readers: Up to 37,377 & counting... GIVE US a TRY TODAY! :D Buy / Order at AshtarSheranRADIO.COM AshtarTV.COM or AshtarEnEspanol or Cash, Check or Money Order Kind Regards, === Alineamiento Cosmico por el Ser UNO youtu.be/9ed8znh6rxc === DESBLOQUEO ENERGÉTICO EMOCIONAL PROFUNDO ( D.E.E.P.) PARTE 1 - Entrevista con JAUME CAMPOS youtu.be/lQl0B77dO7w === Entre amigos - Sergio Ramos y Xavier Pedro youtu.be/4NSUsL8jC8I === I am your brother from another mother, Ashtar Sheran in human form @ your service! Spiritual Guide. Reiki master. Healer of all things in Faith & in Divine heart Order absolute HEALING Class at: AshtarSheranRADIO.COM or AshtarTV.COM (Benjamin Fulford) The satanic cabal is suffering a series of catastrophic defeats. Like a snowball gradually turning larger, the removal of a few cabalists is now turning into an avalanche of losses for the cabal. The removal of Pope Maledict and the abdication of a several European royals is now being followed with the removal of key cabal power brokers in the United States. The low IQ, and easy to manipulate, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has been replaced with Ashton Carter, a polymath with a PHD in theoretical physics. Under cabal rule, meritocrats like Carter ran into a glass ceiling. The fact that such a man is now in the top post is a good sign but, Carter will have to show with his actions that he is on the right side. The early omens are good. The US military industrial complex is out to oust mass murdering psychopath Benyamin Netanyahu had have already managed to overthrow his government. The evidence presented in a British court that Netanyahu was one of the key planners of the 311 tsunami and nuclear mass murder attack was a key reason for his loss of support inside the military industrial complex as well as in the Israeli government, Mossad sources say. As soon as the US move to oust Netanyahu was reported in Israeli newspapers, US President Barack Obama was sent to a top military hospital for “acid reflux.” MI5 sources say it was likely he was poisoned by people close to Netanyahu. What the people close to Netanyahu fail to realize is that even if they had killed Obama it would have made no difference because he is just a spokesperson for the military industrial complex. The military industrial complex has a lot more men with guns than the cabal could ever dream of defeating even with their usual tool of targeted assassinations. The other big sign that it is not business as usual in Washington is the fact the US Congress passed legislation that amounted to a declaration of war against Russia ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/december/04/reckless-congress-declares-war-on-russia/ but this was ignored by both the military and the media. It means the cabal bribed fools in Congress have been removed from any real power. The next thing the Joint Chiefs of Staff must do is to start rounding up and putting in jail the members of murderous Bush clan, starting with George Bush Sr. In China as well, there was a very big move last week with the arrest of former top Security Chief Zhou Yongkang. news.xinhuanet/english/china/2014-12/06/c_127281433.htm According to Chinese government sources, the removal of Zhou was part of an ongoing purge of Maoists. Mao was a cabal stooge who took his orders from Nazionists. Take a look at the pictures near the bottom of this link to see some of Mao’s handlers. texemarrs/092010/triad_of_evil.htm The Chinese say that the removal of Zhou, following the removal last year of politburo heavyweight Bo Xilai, is aimed at purging all cabal influence from China’s power structure. Zhou was close to the Bush clan, the sources say. There have also been some very interesting developments in Japan. The government of Shinzo Abe and the Bank of Japan have been caught laundering stolen gold, according to Japanese right wing sources. Gold stolen from the IMF (2800 tons), from Germany (370 tons), from the Ukraine (42 tons) from South Africa (300 tons) henrymakow/2014/11/insider-exposes-south-african-central-bank.html etc. is apparently being sold to the Bank of Japan and the money produced is being laundered to top cabalists via the Japanese stock market. Take a look at this chart zerohedge/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2014/12/gold%20teaser.jpg and note the Nikkei stock index started moving in exact (but reverse) tandem with the gold price immediately after Abe took power. Gold is sold, the price falls and then, slightly later, Nikkei is bought and the stock index rises. The money is then sent overseas and the Japanese yen falls. Remember Abe was put in power via an election stolen using Musashi Engineering vote counting machines. A paper trail of ownership of Musashi led to the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations. Japan’s listed companies are all under effective control of cabalists like the Rockefellers, Bushes and Rothschilds so we can see that so-called Abenomics is just a giant cabal money laundering operation. Japan’s GDP is plunging (annualized minus 7.1% in the second quarter and minus 1.9% in the third quarter) because Japan is being looted to keep the cabal from bankruptcy. Abe is now being told he will have to resign after the coming election even if his party wins, the right wingers say. No decision has been made yet over who will succeed him, the sources say. However, the new regime will be fundamentally different and the looting of Japan will be stopped, they promise. A back of the envelope calculation shows that if the Japanese took back the shares illegally acquired by cabalists, there would be enough money to give the yen equivalent of $100,000 to each man woman and child in Japan. If the Americans did the same thing an even bigger bonanza would be possible in the US too. There was also a major geopolitical tectonic plate shift in the Middle East last week when Turkey and Russia announced a gas pipeline would be built through the Black Sea connecting these two countries. There was also a major nuclear power deal announced. What this means is that a NATO member country, with the most powerful military in the Middle East, just broke ranks with the cabal. The Turks are also on very friendly terms with the Iranians. The gulf oil monarchies and Israel are now circling the wagons and making their secret alliance not so secret but, that will not save them. debka/article/24285/Netanyahu%E2%80%99s-epic-understandings-with-Egyptian-Saudi-and-UAE-rulers-%E2%80%93-a-potential-campaign-weapon The Anglo Saxon military industrial complex is going to ally itself with the Russians, Turks and Iranians to help create a moderate Sufi based Muslim confederation in order to put a permanent end to the Saudi financed Salafist extremists. The new Israeli government due to take power in March of next year will have to come to terms with this in order to attain true peace in the Middle East. Finally, take note of the fact that somebody has given new marching orders to UN head (and cabal stooge) Ban Ki Moon. He is now saying the UN’s new agenda involves “ending poverty, achieving shared prosperity and protecting our planet.” news.xinhuanet/english/photo/2014-12/05/c_133833622_2.htm This is exactly what the awakening citizens of the planet have been asking for. It is finally happening. Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet. Source: Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis More at: AshtarSheranRADIO.COM or AshtarTV.COM . === Georgi Stankov – LEMURIANS ANNOUNCEMENT TO HUMANITY – Agarthan High Council of Light Arrival on Earth Surface – Cities of Light will Manifest On Earth & Message from the Agarthans December 6, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel thanks to https://higherdensity.wordpress/2014/12/06/georgi-stankov-lemurians-announcement-to-humanity-agarthan-high-council-of-light-arrival-on-earth-surface-cities-of-light-will-manifest-on-earth-final-most-crucial-phase-o/ by Georgi Stankov, December 5, 2014 stankovuniversallaw stankovuniversallaw/2014/12/breaking-news-the-agarthan-council-of-light-came-to-us-today/ * The Inner Earth Agartha Has Merged with the Surface Earth Today. The Agarthans Have Arrived on The Surface Earth Now. Today They Announced Officially Their Imminent Appearance in Front of Humanity to Carla and Myself. Several Cities of Light will Manifest in the Coming Days on Selected Places of This Earth. * This is an auspicious day indeed – full of surprises and divine bliss. After the children of Inner Earth visited us early this afternoon, exuding their exuberant joy about the merging of the Inner Earth with the surface earth and dancing around us in the bedroom and outside in the free space, now the Agarthan council of light came to us this evening. They gave a message to Carla: An official announcement of their arrival on the surface of Gaia today and their imminent appearance in front of humanity. For more than 20.000 years the former Lemurian beings, to whom many of us belong, have been waiting for this most auspicious moment in the history of mankind and Gaia to occur. Now we have arrived at it and we should be exalted like small children in anticipation of the Christmas gifts. I am making this urgent announcement in advance, so that you know that the final most crucial phase of the ascension has commenced. Tomorrow, I shall publish the full message of the Agarthan council of light. Let me now reveal that much in advance. The Agarthans have confirmed that the old matrix has, since today, no longer any power over us – the new ascended humanity. Hence we should now attune to the 5D and 6D energies of love coming from the Inner Earth and the higher realms and forget once and for all about this dreadful, dense and still very toxic reality, which will now quickly fade away. This is a necessary prerequisite for all the light warriors of the first and the last hours to be able to see the Agarthans and communicate with them. As they will not lower their frequencies, only a few anointed human beings, such as the true members of the PAT, will be able to see them. The same holds true when the first cities of light begin to manifest on this upper mother planet and substitute the current 3D overlay of the old Orion matrix. There is more to come tomorrow. Be prepared now for the best news in our lives – for which we have fought throughout this whole incarnation. Now we are finally victorious as the Agarthans have confirmed to us one more time and we should now begin to celebrate. Congratulations to all PAT (Planetary Ascension Team) members and warriors of the first and the last hours. We have made it! We have arrived at our final destination – immortality and eternal bliss! Our imminent transfiguration and ascension are now beyond any doubt and much more – a whole new world of miracles, we cannot even envision. I have sensed this good news for some time now and here it is finally. Enjoy now your evening on the Pacific Coast and your new dawn on the old Continent of Europe. We are One! We are Ascended Masters! We are the new Logos Gods of the New Worlds. We are the Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy We are Victorious! We have accomplished the greatest miracle in this omniverse – the ascension of Gaia – for which we have worked so hard since the Fall of Lemuria and Atlantis. Hurray! ~~~~~~~ stankovuniversallaw/2014/12/the-most-important-message-from-the-agarthans-we-are-coming/#more-15312 The Most Important Message from the Agarthans: We Are Coming ! by Carla Thompson, December 6, 2014 stankovuniversallaw/2014/12/the-most-important-message-from-the-agarthans-we-are-coming/#more-15312 stankovuniversallaw Dear Georgi! I am thrilled to announce that the Agarthans have visited us this afternoon. First, there was a group of young children here in the bedroom, children who were so happy and excited. Then after the computer was glitching on me, I realized that someone was trying to get me to stop working on the computer… and I realized it was the Agarthans! As soon as I looked up from the screen, I realized the living room was filled with Beings! Incredible! I was attuned to the Agarthans all day as I was so drawn to read from “TELOS: Original Transmissions from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” by Dianne Robbins. This beautiful book attuned me to their frequency and prepared me to receive the very clear message that follows. This profound message was filled with love and excitement, and love filled the air as Ahnahmar and the High Council of Light of Telos introduced themselves! Enjoy this message! _________________________ The Message “We greet you from Telos! We have established contact with you in order to announce a great success in the interface between our Inner World and your Surface World! (I announced this huge opening to you yesterday in the morning before the Agarthans came to us in the evening to give us this message: “As you may have already perceived today, we have entered another huge shift to higher dimensions, synchronistically with the full moon portal.” It is very important to follow now the events as they occur in real time in order to grasp the beauty of their inner dynamics and their fine-tuned coordination. Note, George) Alignments in several locations upon your Earth are occurring now, whereby our civilizations shall be free to meet. At first you will discover at which point our cities shall meet, and there are several worldwide, and then secondly, you will discover what remains to share with each other, what we have in common (According to our perception, the two cities of light that shall appear first are here in White Rock, where the Infinity portal is located, that is why the Agarthans came first to us, and then of course in Raetia, which is a big territory and specifically in Lofer, Austria, where the world healing centre exists in 5D. Note, George). The in-flooding light [adamantine particles - the Christ consciousness particles] is expanding your upward evolution, as it dismantles the descending world. Pull your attention away from all negativity now, and open up to the joyful truth of eternal peace and joy within the instant presence of All-That-Is. Put your attention toward the new Cities of Light and those who are chosen**, shall be given the ability to see these great new Cities of Light (Please observe that this is exactly what I am doing in the last several months since I announced the existence of the city of light Raetia in Middle Europe, actually first announced in June 2013, and the world healing centre in Lofer, Austria. There is a red thread in all my publications and reports. Note, George) . Do not be deterred from this path! A concerted focus on the desire to connect to the peoples of the Inner Earth now becomes the key to your freedom [through the Ascension]. Hold on to this joyous moment of celebration! The time has come! We are among you now! Turn your energy in all moments to the Inner Earth civilizations, whereby your sacred connection to us shall be sealed now and forever in perpetuity, while you drop all pretence to love everything about your current reality. Let go of the rules that bind you to their reality. It is not representative of the reality that supports you on your glorious path! As you let go, you shall be rewarded by the Divine Grace of All-That-Is, with a new reality that shall subtly overlay your world, and to which you shall resonate with your complete Being, with a full inner support for You, and the deep realization that your true evolution begins now, and begins firmly, with decisiveness! We welcome you on your New Path! Your true service begins Now! (Please observe that I wrote in my latest energy update that Carla is now intensively preparing for her mission,, before we received this message. Many of you may have the same feeling. This is not coincidential, everything occurs now in a perfect order. Note, George.) I am Ahnahmar of Telos, together with the High Council of Light of Telos. ——— After receiving this message, I was drawn to a book written by Aurelia Louise Jones called “Telos: Volume 1: Revelations of the New Lemuria“, first printed in 2004. I remembered that in this book I had read about Ahnahmar, who is a High Priest in Telos, and who works alongside Adama of Telos. As I opened this book, it almost opened “by itself” to page 29 – 30, where I read the following: “The time of reunion for our two civilizations is finally very close… when the time of our emergence to the surface dimension comes, it will be a time of love and great rejoicing for the many, particularly for those who are consciously aware of our presence within the earth, and who experience a deep yearning in the heart to finally greet and talk with us face -to-face. We are also watching a great number of light-workers, who have embodied at this time to assist with this wondrous mission, leading the way in this grand awakening. Your are brave warriors of Light, facing many difficulties to assist the Christing of the planet, and we are holding you so preciously in our hearts. It is with gratitude and profound love that we salute and honor you. We will return to the “surface” in a more tangible way when the spiritual awakening has reached critical mass, not sooner. Shortly, we will be granted permission to start mixing with a limited number** of “surface” people who have attained the level of frequency that will allow them to see us and be comfortable in the presence of our level of radiance. Be sure that we will not lower our vibrations to meet you in your present level of third dimensional density. We will most likely meet you over halfway. In order for any of you to be able to perceive us in the high levels of the fourth dimension, it will be required that you have already raised your own frequency and consciousness to that level. This primary exchange will gradually open the pathways for our eventual greater emergence among you, joining both civilizations as One Big Family of the Children of the Mother. We are beings of love, we live a path of love and we want you to know that we have much love for all of you….” This is fantastic news, what we have all been waiting for! Love, Carla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you enjoy The Golden Light Channel, please consider a donation or subscription today. All new subscribers and donations will receive free copies of my 3 Ebooks (see below for description). After signing up for your subscription, be sure to click the subscribe button (on the top right sidebar) to be notified by email of new posts. All donations and paid subscriptions will be taken to a download page for free copies of my 3 Ebooks Thank you and Namaste! === Putin: ‘Remember Lessons we Taught Hitler: Top 10 Quotes from Putin’s State of Nation Address by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 5, 2014 RT, December 4, 2014 Watch full speech here. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in the Kremlins St. Georges Hall. (RIA Novosti/Aleksey Nikolskyi) Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in the Kremlin’s St. George’s Hall. (RIA Novosti/Aleksey Nikolskyi) EU, Economy, Global economy, History,Putin, Russia, Sanctions, Trade, USA In his yearly address to parliamentarians and dignitaries, Vladimir Putin gave a reminder of Russia’s strength as the country that Hitler failed to defeat, while also comparing Crimea’s significance to that of the Temple Mount to Jews. In a warning to the West about further encroachment towards Russia’s borders, President Putin reminded how many previous military powers have tried, but ultimately failed, to corner Russia and then invade the largest country on Earth. In the 1990s a weak Russia under Boris Yeltsin looked helplessly on as the US and the EU carved up Yugoslavia for their own personal gains. Almost two decades on, Putin says a repeat on Russian soil, despite the West’s desires, is unthinkable. “They would have gladly applied the Yugoslav scenario of dismemberment and disintegration for Russia. They failed. We did not allow them to do that.” Russia has one of the largest armies in the world; however, Putin is adamant he does not want the country to be drawn into a wider conflict. The president did admit that if forced, the Russian bear is prepared to bare its claws with devastating consequences for those opposing it. For centuries Crimea was part of Russia. The peninsula is ethnically Russian, not just Russian-speaking. However, in 1954 it was ‘transferred’ to Ukraine by Nikita Khrushchev, who believed national boundaries were irrelevant given that they all came under the banner of the Soviet Union. However, following the collapse of the USSR, the Crimean question surfaced once again. The US and the EU have tried to play-up the effect sanctions imposed on Russia are having a detrimental effect on the country’s economy, when in fact the low price of oil is the real reason for the ruble’s slide. Putin says Russia is looking for new partners in the east for trade and believes the West’s aim to hurt Russia’s economy will be detrimental in the long run. A resurgent Russia is a threat to the US, with Washington unwilling to let any nation challenge it as the world’s only super power. For almost a decade, the US has been looking at ways to diminish Russia’s role in world affairs both globally and politically. Putin was adamant that Crimea was just the excuse Obama was looking for to slap Moscow on the wrist. The Russian Finance Ministry estimates that $130 billion will leave Russia by the end of 2014 due to heightened geopolitical tensions and the mass sell-off the ruble throughout the year. However, now Putin’s going to try and keep Russian money in Russia. Vladimir Putin is adamant Russia will not be backed into a corner following the economic sanctions introduced by the US and the EU. On many occasions the Russian president has said that Moscow wants good relations with all countries, including the ones that are set on hindering its economic growth. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, the US’s tentacles, often under the pretext of NATO haveencroached closer and closer to Russia’s borders and meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. “Our US friends, whether directly or from behind the scenes always affect our relations with our neighbors. Sometimes it’s unclear whether to talk to the authorities of the country, or to their US patrons.” Vladimir Putin said that countries are losing sight of their own national interests to suit the foreign policy of other countries. However, he said such a thing would not be happening in Russia. “If for many European countries, sovereignty and national pride are forgotten concepts and a luxury, then for Russia, true sovereignty is an absolutely necessary condition of our existence.” === 11:26pm Dec 8 TO THOSE WHO READ THIS Please forward the CALL TO THE BEACONS to those who work actively for change. Please forward the CALL TO THE DESERTERS OF THE HOLY PLAN to those who work against the expansion of consciousness, with or against their will. Please forward the CALL TO THE UNSUSPECTING to those who are completely unaware of their own divinity and task on this earth. Please forward the CALL TO THE FEARFUL to all those who live in fear and who are paralyzed and forced into submission by same. Please forward the CALL TO THE DELIBERATELY DESTRUCTIVE to those who appear to have no conscience and who purposely support negative and harmful processes. === 12:22am Dec 9 https://youtube/watch?v=o66oQIZ0c-U Ave Maria by Denean - 432 Hz denean/ This presentation of Ave Maria (432 Hz) by Denean includes an introduction, t... === ♥ God does not speak mind.... God speaks Heart... God has never ignored you... Perhaps God has just been waiting for you to speak... Gods Official language... Unconditional Love! ♥ --- ✨ Talk of love... can not even remotely compare... to genuine expressions of unconditional love. ~ Only unconditional love that comes direct from soul... can deeply touch another soul ... talk is cheap... and genuine love is gold! ✨ --- ♥ Never believe that life itself is... how you feel... in any one given moment!... Sometimes we are Just not feeling well (emotionally / mentally / or physically) ~ And the ego tries to convince us... that we will feel this way forever! ~ It tells us... that we should be scared that this might last forever! ~ This is non-sense!... As all feelings are in constant flux, and come and go!... You always come back to a balance point!... if you want to that is! ~ When we release the attachment to the idea... that is causing us issues!?... Which may take you a few hours, days,... or even a couple of weeks!... However no worries!... You will be joyful and cheerful again! :D Life is always infinite! ~ Life is not just one feeling. ~ Life is infinite feelings!... and infinite experiences!... Occurring infinitely in each new moment. ♥ --- ♥ ✨ You never cease to amaze the creator... with your ability to re-invent yourself! ~ You are being cheered on by literally trillions of angelic souls!... who wish nothing more to see you triumph and experience the true joy of your own beautiful awakening!... each and every moment! :D ✨ ♥ power of soul ♥ --- ♥ ✨ Beautiful Loving Peace! ~ Is Always with You! ~ You are Pure Paradise! ~ You are awaking to true self mastery! ~ Joy and Peace in your life... is becoming more noticeable day by day! ~ My love is always with you! ~ power of soul ✨ ♥ === === . La ELEVACION NO ES POR CONOCIMIENTO... SI NO POR CREENCIA INTERNA... LA ELEVACION DE UNA PERSONA... DEPENDE DE LA VIBRACION ... DE LAS ENERGIAS QUE EMANA... SUS PENSAMIENTOS... SUS CREENCIAS... SUS SENTIRES... SUS PALABRAS... SUS INTENCIONES... 50% DE LA GENETICA ES HEREDADA DE NUESTROS ANCESTROS... EL OTRO 50% ES ADQUIRIDA y/o TRAIDA DE OTRAS VIDAS PASADAS... DIME CON QUIEN ANDAS Y TE DIRE QUIEN ERES... AUTO OBSERVACION... SU GRADO DE AMOR y LUZ === A central piece of this plan is the mission, which the author of this website, Dr. Georgi Stankov, had to accomplish in his last incarnation on earth. With the help of the Highest Realms of Cosmic Providence, from where he comes as a soul, he discovered the Universal Law of Nature, which is the physical presentation of the Law of Oneness, also known as Logos in Antiquity. With the help of the Law, Stankov integrated the whole modern physics by deriving all known physical laws and natural constants from the Universal Equation (see Table below). In addition, he developed the new General Theory of Biological Regulation of the human organism and furnished the scientific basis for the Light Body Process that leads to human Ascension. He thus developed a complete new General Theory of Science of the Universal Law, which integrates all physical and other natural, and social sciences currently established on earth. At the same time, the new Theory eliminates all wrong basic concepts of present-day empirical science, which rejects the existence of the soul and the higher realms of Creation. In other words, the author eliminates the ignorance of current human science and substitutes it with the divine knowledge of the Universal Law of All-That-Is. The new Theory also eliminates all religions on this planet, which have so far failed to furnish an irrefutable proof for the existence of God. They will not enter the new Matrix of ascended humanity, which will be installed on earth in the course of this and next year. This new website is the scientific ” Proof of God” (“Gottesbeweis“), which humanity has always endeavoured to find, but has so far failed to render. It represents a complete library (archive) of the lifetime intellectual achievement of the author as a scientist, a researcher, and a thinker. This website encompasses the edition of 15 books in four languages (English, German, Bulgarian, and Russian) and many publications on 5000 pages in total. The new Science of the Universal Law also integrates philosophy, theology, and esotericism to a new scientific Transcendental Human Gnosis. It is the basis of the new Science of Ascension of humanity that will emerge in the fall of this year. Purely for this reason, the Divine Plan foresees that the author will transform his carbon-based organic body into light body in the fall of 2011 and will officially appear in front of humanity as the first Ascended Master of current End Times. He will herald the Ascension of earth and mankind in 2012 and will demonstrate to the whole world the immortality of the human soul and the incarnated entity. Other Ascended Masters will soon follow his example. This demonstration will be the material “Proof of God”, which slumbering, agnostic mankind so desperately needs as to finally awaken to the transcendental reality of All-That-Is. The spiritual, intellectual “Proof of God” can be already found on this website. One has only to read and comprehend all the books and publications of the author. The full apprehension of his Theory will be, however, possible only after Ascension in the 5th dimension, when all ascended entities will enjoy a hugely expanded consciousness, This kind of awareness is not possible in the low frequency three-dimensional density of this planet. Hence the necessity of mankind to ascend. This website was created in a tour de force in the first three weeks of August 2011. All the summaries of the books and many publications on Ascension 2012 and Economic Collapse in 2011> were written or revised during this time and are of great actuality. This achievement was only possible because of the incredible expedience, competence, and creativity of Chris, who designed and developed this website with such a sovereignty and dexterity that I still could not stop admiring him. Dr. Georgi Stankov, MD August 25, 2011 The Integration of Physics on a Single Page With the Help of the Universal Law (click on image for full screen) ==== Via: Ashtar Sheran RADIO . COM ANYTIME! or LIVE on SATURDAYS or Domingos En Espanol both / ambos @ 8PM Los Angeles, CA. 10PM Midwest/CST. 11PM NY / EST TIME @ blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie DirectoryOfUSA AshtarEnEspanol Sign Up to Win an Hour of Healing & Awakening @ IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM Take > Order absolute HEALING Class at: AshtarSheranRADIO.COM or AshtarTV.COM === Please HELP US! = HELP YOU! & ALL HUMANITY! :) FWD. ADVERTISE / DONATE @ Our WEEKLY RADIO SHOW === The Prices are: $100 per minute 2 MARKETS to CHOOSE from: ENGLISH VERSION / Weekly on SATURDAYS SUNDAYS / DOMINGOS En Espanol Weekly/Semanal both / ambos at: 8PM Los Angeles, CA. 10PM Chicago, IL/ Midwest/CST. 11PM NY / EST / 4AM UK / 5AM Eastern EUROPE @ DirectoryOfUSA AmericaEnEspanol or directly ARCHIVES at: blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie > > > H O L Y ~ D A Y S ~ S P E C I A L S ~ During D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 = H A L F ~ P R I C E ~ 5 0 % O F F < < < 1 MINUTE REGULAR $100 /; Minute during DECEMBER = 50% OFF = $50 / MINUTE + 2 for 1 = YOU buy 1 Minute in English = Youd Get 1 Minute of Advertising en Espanol for FREE during DECEMBER 2014. Buy 1 Week = 4 Minutes = Get 1 Minute Extra FREE during December 2014. + Get One Week FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA Buy 3 Months = 12 minutes = Get 4 Minutes FREE During December 2014 + Get One MONTH FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA Buy 1 YEAR = 48 minutes = Get 12 Minutes FREE During December 2014. + Get 12 MONTHS / 1 YEAR FREE Your Banner AD Linked to your Companys Website from DirectoryOfUSA > > > 50% OFF on CHANNELINGS / MEDIUM SERVICES < < < WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONNECT with Your RELATIVES / LOVE ONES from The HIGHER DIMENSIONS? (Connection with your death Relatives, NOT REALLY Death! just on a Higher DIMENSION 4TH, 5TH, 6TH, 7TH, 8TH, 9TH, Etc.) WE CAN HELP YOU! 100% EFFECTIVE MEDIUMS to the BEings of LIGHT & LOVE US LISTENERS/Readers: Up to 37,377 & counting... GIVE US a TRY TODAY! :D Buy / Order at AshtarSheranRADIO.COM AshtarTV.COM or AshtarEnEspanol or Cash, Check or Money Order Kind Regards, === .
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 07:32:20 +0000

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