H O P E P R I S O N M I N I S T R Y RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AT THE WORCESTER FEMALE CORRECTIONAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE TO ALL PRAYERS PRAISE GOD FOR THE AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TO 28 CLIENTS AT WORCESTER FEMALE CORRECTIONAL CENTRE. This course starts on TUESDAY 19th AUGUST 2014 and finishes with the Family Restoration Day on SATURDAY 30th August 2014 (Debrief day with inmates is on Tuesday 2nd September 2014). ● The theme of this course is Healing the Wounds of Crime. ● The primary goal of Restorative Justice is to address and confront the harm caused by crime. ● They will be confronting, discussing and addressing the damaged and broken relationships caused by crime. ● Further points of discussion are: Taking responsibility for past and future action, Confession, Repentance, Forgiveness, Restitution, Reconciliation and Accountability. ● The setting: Six tables (according to language), seating four clients/inmates and two workers/table facilitators, who each mentors two clients, during and after the course. We, at Hope Prison Ministry, would so value and sincerely appreciate your prayer cover during this time for: ● The inmates who will be attending. Attached is a list of their names. It would be so helpful if you could kindly pray for the ladies by name. ● For Jenny Clayton, who will be leading the course. Pray also for Luke Baker and Andrew May who will also present some of the talks. This is a supremely demanding role. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, strength, courage, boldness and protection. That God will restore their strength on a daily basis. ● For the Table Facilitators – for wisdom, discernment, strength, courage, protection and good communication. To know when to ask a question and when to remain quiet. To be able to draw out the quieter members of the table. ● For all RJ Workers to be sensitive to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. • For the Wardens – that there will be a consistency in attendance, i.e. the same wardens to attend each day. ● For HIS love to shine out from the facilitators to the inmates. ● For those present to come into a relationship with the Lord. For total revelation of who God really is. That any head knowledge would become heart knowledge. ● For the content of this course to really hit the mark. That the inmates would grasp the truth of what is being taught and discussed. For life-giving revelation. ● For transparency from the inmates. For them to be open, sincere and honest in their response to the course. Contd ……. ● For Gods protection for Jenny Clayton and the facilitators - physically, spiritually and emotionally. Also particular protection over their minds and over their relationships. This course is very intense, emotionally draining, and very demanding. Often at the end of a day the facilitator doesnt know quite where to put, or how to process what they have heard as the inmates unburden themselves. Please pray for restorative sleep for all the RJ team. ● For unity within the team. We are excited that our Facilitators for this RJ Course come from both the Pollsmoor Team and the Boland Team. This will be our first combined effort.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:57:34 +0000

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