H2i IS A NOBEL JOB...HER UNIQUE SYSTEM HAS GIVEN ME A SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE PLATFORM FOR THE EMPOWERMENT OF OTHERS AND AM ENJOYING IT To Register: Call: 08097044370 For More Information Pls Visit: Website: WWW.helping hand sinter national.biz TESTIMONY TIME: ......Barr.Emmanuella (Nigeria) I am a lawyer by profession and it is a noble one. But here I am, faced with a more noble course of service to humanity. Through H2i, I have empowered many who who were earning pea nuts. I have a team member who had to pay the $40 in 3 instalment because she had no money. She uses rubber band to couple her phone that was in bad shape. First she earned $34,then $100 and I mandated her to get a new phone so she can view her business with it. Now she has earned $200 and about to earn $300. Her life has really changed. Before now she was only able to refer two people who are very domant. I help her by putting active people under her. But this week, she came in with about 16 registrations and she is on fire now. I am happy that this little encouragement has yielded fruit. Another of my team member who is a student was discouraged after 2 months of prospecting without result. He stoped coming for seminars. I put in people under him and pushed him to stage 2 with earning of $34. I called him and asked him to check his biz but he refused because he new he had done nothing. When he finally checked she was amazed and today he is on fire. He has earned $100, $200,&300 within a month. He is my strongest legs today and working seriously for his car by next award. He has big H2i dream of working with our CEO, travelling with her on medical tours as he is in d medical profession. One thing we must learn from this testimonies is that you dont give up on any downline, and a little encouragement from you as a leader can make the difference. Personally, H2i has really changed my life. Before now, I had to depend on my husband to fuel my car and other little things. But today, I hardly remember when last I asked for money. I had opened bank accounts for my four children and funding it with an H2i account i dedicated for them. I am seriously planning their future in terms of schooling abroad, vacations abroad with money from H2i. I am proud of H2i family.Thank you so much our CEO for this vision. Long live H2 ! Long live our CEO!! Long live our help partners !!! Barr. Emmanuella Obi (Nigeria) MR. OKORO LAWRENCE(NIGERIA) H2i IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED TO ME IN MY SHORT LIFE SO FAR...Mr. Okoro Lawrence(Nigeria) My name is Mr Lawrence Okoro, a Nigerian living in Lagos.I have been a job hunter for many years. I have trecked from company to company, street to street in the city of Lagos in search of geener pasture, but life has not been fair. To worsen my situation, one of the careless bus drivers in Lagos ran over my leg on one of the fateful days and gotten me bedridden for months in the hospital. I am a husband and father of children. meaning I have got bills to pay. How can I survive this role without an income stream. I often go to bed with heavy heart and hopelessness was fast taking over my territoty. I was not only afraid, sad and downcasted but fast becoming an object of mockery.This is the state I was when I encountered this life transforming organisation called Helping hands international( H2i). I cried out to them and they responded by taking care of the huge medical bill, made my family christmas celebration a wonderful one and has remained supportive since then. Recently, one of the leaders, Mr Obioma Ngoka, recommended me for the one thousand dollar($1000) free grant. suprised, I was called upon and this cash handed over to me to start my life all over again. Thanks to H2i for touching my life and family uniquely. Mr Okoro Lawrence(Lagos,Nigeria.) FINALLY, MY JOY IS RESTORED AND MY HOPE OF BECOMING A MUSIC SUPERSTAR REKINDLED...H2i MADE IT POSSIBLE I wasnt born this way. My legs were normal and fully functional like that of any other person. Suprisingly, one day, I found myself crippled and it has remained this way till date. I have really suffered! I have crawled for many years under this harsh condition praying to God for a wheel chair to come my way one day.I dont want to be at the mercy of anyone. Though am paralysed, however I refuse to accept that I am DISABLED. i Can sing! I want to be a music superstar. I have but one fear? Who will find me good enough to help.Who will believe that I have what it takes to make it in life and invest in me, I cried! My life has be a series of dash hopes and ridicules but I have refused to give up. I was introduced to Helping hands and since I came to know about this organisation, my joy has been restored and my hope of a better future rekindled and assured! I found my way to one of the helping hands event in Lagos and i was accepted as a family member. Not only was i accepted but given the opportunity to show my talent as a gifted songstar. Lo and Behold, my dream of becoming a superstar is coming true! After my performance, H2i reps promised to sponsor my musical career and to make me a house hold name if I can come up with good songs. I have gone to work on this great task and with H2i you will hear my song soon in your neighbourhood..first Nigeria, then all african countries and the world over. Thank you h2i for really touching my life and empowering me to make my destiny a reality. Mr. Onumonu Azubuike (Nigeria)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:52:43 +0000

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