HA HA HA HA ! get it right roond ye! karma springs to mind - TopicsExpress


HA HA HA HA ! get it right roond ye! karma springs to mind Former Rangers owner Craig Whyte: No firms will do business with me after my part in Ibrox crisis 24 Oct 2013 00:01 THE ex-Rangers chief insists that insurance firms have refused his business after his involvement with the Ibrox club during its meltdown. Craig Whyte outside Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday Craig Whyte outside Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday PETER JOLLY/NORTHPIX FORMER Rangers boss Craig Whyte yesterday claimed he had become untouchable after his part in the club’s downfall. The Monaco-based tycoon told a court that insurance firms refused to deal with him and would not insure his palatial Highland home, Castle Grant. Whyte was giving evidence on the second day of the trial of his former housekeepers, Jane Hagan, 51, and her partner Terence Horan, 53. The pair deny stealing goods worth thousands of pounds from Castle Grant, near Grantown on Spey, last year. Inverness Sheriff Court also heard claims that Whyte had been besieged by debt collectors over unpaid bills. But he claimed that was a gross exaggeration. Whyte was questioned about a letter allegedly written by Hagan and found by him and his girlfriend in the accused couple’s accommodation at the castle. At a previous hearing, he was forced to read the letter, which contained claims he had received terror threats, bankrupted his own father three times and treated his wife “in an appalling way”. It also said that the bank were poised to repossess Castle Grant and he could have faced jail for “illegal activities”. He was asked by Hagan’s solicitor Willie Young about claims in the letter that he was unable to get any insurance for the castle. Whyte replied: “Yes. It has not been insured since two months after I left Rangers. Insurers pulled out. It is impossible to get insurance for the castle.” He was also asked about claims that he failed to pay local suppliers. He replied: “All bills were paid in full and on time. That is a gross exaggeration.” Questioned about a civil case over mortgage arrears, he said: “I believe it has been resolved. It involved a dispute between my wife and myself over who was going to make what payment.” Whyte admitted that he and his girlfriend, Isobel Anderson, had gone into the accused couple’s quarters and examined their computer. Whyte said Ms Anderson had found the letter in the kitchen. He denied suggestions by Mr Young that he had tampered or edited the letter. And he also denied he had asked his housekeepers to store and hide his personal items to prevent them being seized. He said: “Absolutely not. I gave no such instruction. Why would I do that? No court order had been made against me.” Asked by Horan’s agent Eilidh Macdonald if he was angry at the letter and made up the theft story, he said: “I am pretty thick- skinned.” Whyte told Mr Young that he and Ms Anderson had also found emails threatening harm to his youngest daughter and himself, written by Hagan. He said: “One said Jane would clean my daughter’s toilet with her toothbrush. She also threatened to poison me.” Whyte’s estranged wife Kim also gave evidence, saying Horan and Hagan had told her several times they were going to take items in lieu of unpaid salary. She added: “I got a very, very unpleasant phone call from Craig after Jane told him I was going to remove some stuff belonging to me. He said that I would never see my kids again if I did.” Asked by prosecutor Heather Swan if she felt any loyalty to her husband, she said: “Not a lot. Err, that’s a no.” The trial continues.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:49:20 +0000

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