HAARP PROPHECY? THERE IS A REASON THEY HAVE TRIED SO HARD TO DRAW THE MASSES AWAY FROM THE ORIGINAL KING JAMES BIBLE, AND MAKE OTHERS TO REPLACE IT! GODS WORD IS VERY CLEAR IN PROPHECY TO THE POINT HAARP, A MAJOR WEATHER TOOL COULD BE USED FOR WORLD WAR III WAS MENTIONED IN IT IN SO MANY WORDS!!! We know from prophecy in the book of Daniel, that the final antichrist spirit will destroy many by PEACE! Daniel chapter 8 VS 25 And through his policy also he shall CAUSE CRAFT (technology) to PROSPER in his hand; and he (antichrist) shall MAGNIFY himself in his HEART, and by PEACE shall DESTROY MANY: he shall also STAND UP against the Prince of princes; but he shall be BROKEN without hand. (Note, Though the antichrist shall stand up against our Lord Jesus Christ, our King will break him without hand, by the coming of His glory, and His living word, His sword will destroy the antichrist. It is a spiritual battle for we wrest not against flesh and blood, but against the unseen! Read Ephesians chapter 6 VS 12) Daniel chapter 11 VS 23-26 And after the league made with him (antichrist) he shall WORK DECEITFULLY: for he shall come up, and shall become STRONG with a SMALL PEOPLE. (Note, All he would need is a small amount of his OWN people to come up strong with! Get rid of the people that would be against him, and replace them with people that will do anything he tells them to, the right people in the right places of power to accomplish perdition (final ruin). VS 24 He shall ENTER PEACEABLY even upon the fattest (richest) places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers fathers; he shall SCATTER among them the PREY, the SPOIL, and RICHES: yes, and he shall FORECAST (HAARP) his DEVICES AGAINST the STRONG HOLDS, even for a TIME. And he shall STIR UP his POWER, and his courage against the king of the south with a GREAT ARMY; and the king of the south shall be STIRRED UP to BATTLE with A VERY GREAT and MIGHTY ARMY; but he shall NOT STAND: for THEY shall FORECAST DEVICES AGAINST him. Yes, they that FEED of the PORTION of his MEAT shall DESTROY him, and his army shall over flow: and MANY shall FALL DOWN SLAIN. Revelation chapter 13 VS 13 And he (antichrist) DOES GREAT WONDERS, so that HE MAKES FIRE COME DOWN from HEAVEN ON the EARTH in the SIGHT of MEN. (Note, As we can see our Lord God makes us AWARE, that the antichrist will have the POWER to make FIRE COME DOWN from HEAVEN in the SIGHT of MEN! We must see through the spiritual eyes of the Lord, before we can see what is going on in the physical! With this TECHNOLOGY we can see how this could be done. If we think of weather FORECAST, they use HAARP to FORECAST its DEVICE its POWER against the STRONG HOLDS. With weather manipulation, they can in advance, before the enemy strikes them, cause a major weather event, whether it be tornadoes, lightning storms, earthquakes, to cause tens of thousands to be destroyed, and many have already been destroyed by these unprecedented weather chaos events! One of the biggest MARKS started in 2011 as you will see in the video if you have not watched it yet, when Japan was hit, with a tsunami that caused three huge nuclear reactors to fall into the ocean. Look it up on youtube 2011 tsunami Fukishima the info is out there, all the sea life is dying in the ocean, do to what occurred then. Why do we think the King James bible tried to be put on the back burner, or out of circulation. It was too specific, the Holy Spirit was really working within the men from different walks that translated it and put it together! If one compares the original King James even to the new King James, the NIV, and many other newer bibles, you will find, that a lot of wording has been taken away, or other words added, and this is not to just make us understand better, I mean add something that should not be there, or take away something that should be there. If you have a version of bible that is newer than the original King James, check and see if in the above scripture in the book of Daniel chapter 11 VS 24 and see if it has FORECAST DEVICES! You may not find it. I have compared many of the books, and have encountered many wrongs within these other bibles. I am not the only one that has, thousands of others have as well. The truth is out there, we just have to seek it to set us free, for the Holy Spirit bares witness with all things. If earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoons, etc.... can all be controlled as to target a country, and this is what has been happening, we could have been in world war III for a while now, and not have known it! As Gods word says, he will destroy many by PEACE. This would be one form along with things becoming so terrible, that all people will long for is PEACE, and they will be looking, and desiring anyone to be a saviour, someone that will just stop all the evil, which in a form he will do this as well, to blind side the masses, and destroy those who are not aware with this POWERFUL false resolution of PEACE! The only one that can give us true peace, and eternal peace at that, is our Lord, and only Saviour Jesus Christ, our Holy Almighty King! We must hold fast to Him, and His word, for we will be going home soon, at His ALL POWERFUL COMMAND! May the grace, and peace of God be with us all, along with His guidance in these ending, and trying moments of what is left of this world, in Jesus Christ Holy name.) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:22:17 +0000

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