HABESHA PRIDE? Bullshit! Lol habesha people can NEVER admit - TopicsExpress


HABESHA PRIDE? Bullshit! Lol habesha people can NEVER admit when they are wrong, they will die saying they are right even when they KNOW they are wrong. Habesha pride, more deadly than Ebola and HIV combined....and this is why Africa bleeds #HabeshaIdiocy Habesha means Arab slave. ..did you know that? Of course you didnt, habesha people stay ignorant as they stay claiming the word habesha without knowing it means Arab slave. But I can forgive ignorance, I once used to say Habesha when I was 14, but I learned back then and now I hate that cursed word habesha But what I hate are idiots who learn that habesha means Arab slave and they still claim the word because their pride wont let them admit they were wrong....this is called cognitive dissonance. ...its also called habesha stupidity. .. Hi Habesha Love...smh So really folks, Ethiopians and Eritreans alike...are you habesha??
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:07:57 +0000

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