HABIB YOUSAFZAI, CHAIRMAN OF KASHMIR DIASPORA ALLIANCE STRONGLY CONDEMNS THE ARREST OF YASIN MALIK THE LIBERATION LEADER OF INTERNATIONALLY DISPUTED AREAS OF JAMMU KASHMIR kashmirdiasporaa.blogspot/2014/07/habib-yousafzai-chairman-of-kashmir_11.html ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM! Shimla agreement signed on July 02, 1972 in Shimla the capital city of the Indian state of Hamichal Pradesh between the government of India and Islamic Republic of Pakistan following the war between the two nations in 1971. This agreement is falling far short of covering the entire scenario; in particular it does not condemn the Indian government for its interference in East Pakistan presently known as Bangladesh. The Indian government divided Muslims in East Pakistan and West Pakistan and created animosity amongst them and not only trained the people of East Pakistan but also provided them with arms and even provided armed combatants. Furthermore, they also murdered those people who sympathized to the cause of a united Pakistan and placed the blame on Pakistan itself. All of these facts are not a part of the Shimla agreement and still the Indian government owes an apology to the Pakistani state for its heinous crime of breaking a nation. However the Shimla agreement does not limit Pakistan’s claim on Maqbooza Kashmir nor does it give ownership of this territory to India. The United Nations office which has recently received great pressure to be shut down in New Delhi should not as the matter is yet to be resolved; the Indian army is still stationed in Maqbooza Kashmir also known as Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir. If through the Shimla agreement this matter was not able to be resolved, the international community under the leadership of the United Nations must interfere in this matter. Placing Indian nationals and providing them with illegal settlements in Srinagar is equivalent to placing illegal Israeli settlers in Palestine. This is strategically changing the demographics of the situation and an obvious attempt to deter Maqbooza Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan. As such, it is imperative to realize that the UN presence is still valid and is essential to solving the situation at hand. The UN must administer a plebiscite wherein the Kashmiri people can determine their own faith. Also the UN’s presence is essential for proper democratic treatment of liberation leaders who are being indiscriminately arrested such as Yasin Malik in order to quell the democratic right of self-determination of the people of Maqbooza Kashmir. Similarly, UN being in charge of the safety of humanity it must keep a close eye on the Sikh state of Punjab Khalistan (also under illegal occupation since August 15, 1947 by the Indian government) wherein more than 270,000 innocent Sikhs have been killed by the Indian army. Police foil JKLF protest; Yasin Malik detained GK NEWS NETWORK Srinagar, July 11: Police Friday used force to quell a protest by the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) here against the “growing Indian and Israeli aggression.”The JKLF had planned the protest at Lal Chowk, but police arrested its chief Muhammad Yasin Malik in a nocturnal raid at his Maisuma house and lodged him at the Kothibagh police station. Police had sealed all routes leading to Maisuma. After Friday prayers, the JKLF vice-president, Bashir Ahmad Bhat, led a rally of the party leaders and activists from Maqbool Manzil to Lal Chowk. “We are holding this rally against Indian aggression on Kashmiris, its decision to close down UNMOGIP office in New Delhi, abolishing Muslim Personal Law and also Israeli terrorism in Palestine,” Bhat said. “The decision of New Delhi to close down the UNMOGIP office in Delhi is a glaring example of its growing arrogance.” The protestors shouted pro-freedom slogans and marched toward Lal Chowk. As the rally reached Budshah Chowk, a contingent of cops swung into action and cane-charged the protestors, injuring many of them, including JKLF secretary general Ghulam Rasool Dar (Eidhi). Police detained some JKLF senior leaders including Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Showkat Ahmad Bakshi and Sheikh Abdul Rashid. Later, youth took to streets and fought pitched battle with police and forces. Reports said while dispersing the protestors, police allegedly misbehaved with some pedestrians. Irked by this, announcements were made on public address systems of local Masjids asking people to protest the “police highhandedness.” Earlier, Bhat said, after the establishment of BJP government in New Delhi, “every little space for peaceful political struggle has been choked.” “Arresting JKLF chairman prior to today’s peaceful protest is an example of this,” he said. greaterkashmir/news/2014/Jul/12/police-foil-jklf-protest-yasin-malik-detained-14.asp
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:59:20 +0000

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