HAIL KING OBASANJO! THE EMPEROR, THE BULLY, THE TYRANT! EX Ps. Are we surprised that Obasanjo will team up with the Anti Christ? We thought he obtained a diploma in Theology at a Nigerian University. A leopard cannot change it colour. Obasanjo who betrayed Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Obasanjo who escaped unhurt while his Boss Murtala laid in cold blood! Obasanjo whose bosom friend Chief Bola Ige the Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was murdered during the reign of the Obasanjo, the know it all, the all capable. The killers of Bola Ige disappeared into thin air till today. We do not know of any political assassinations in Jonathan’s Government. Can Obasanjo say the same of his own? We do not know of Jonathan Government becoming like Abacha’s. Obasanjo must be invited for questioning by the police like any other citizen. He does not enjoy any immunity. Jonathan should not set a bad precedent by allowing Obasanjo to go free on some dangerous allegations. Obasanjo the Emperor is angry because Jonathan a nobody is going to spend 10 years as President of Nigeria while Obasanjo spent 8 years. Let us not descend into more historical facts about Obasanjo. Obasanjo is always ready to auction the church of God to his own advantage. During the reign of Obasanjo the Anti Christs descended on the Christians, their churches and almost leveled the Christian areas of Kaduna. He paid the church 10% of the cost of the repair. Has Obasanjo ever teamed up with Christian politician? Of course not! SOUTH SOUTH: Does the South South deserve a second term? Yes! The South South is like the proverbial chicken that lays the Golden Egg. Nigeria extracted oil from the South South to develop Abuja, paid the Senators, Honorables, tarred the roads all over Nigeria but left the South South in a slum. There are 6 Political Zones in Nigeria. South South is one of them. In the 50 years of our post independence experience, power could hardly reach them. Each zone could have had 8 years. Now fate has handed power to them, shouldn’t they have their own 8 years tenure of rule? Who knows when power will return to them? It may take 100 years! Look we are not talking about Jonathan. If South South is not satisfied with him, they can bring another candidate. Jonathern is accused of concentrating development in the South South. What should he do? Neglect his own area? Justice demands that the oil producing area should be appreciated by fellow Nigerians for being so generous. CBN Governor screaming N59 billion has been stolen or unaccountable for. Defection gang on from PDP to APC is crying that Jonathan should be impeached. Tambuwal blasting Jonathan were these things coordinated for maximum effects? They have failed. TIMING OF OBASANJO’S VITUPERATIONS Obasanjo is really a military tactician but God is greater than him. Jehovah turns the counsel of ahithophel into foolishness. ASUU strike has been on for 5 months, Boko Haram is still on the rampage because Jonathan refuses to produce another Oddi and Zaki am Obasanjo’s letter came in at a time like this. OBASANJO THE KING MAKER Obasanjo in all his rulership has always handed over to Muslim. Now he wants to be in power while not in power. He has nominated Turaki to be the President of Nigeria. Jonathan is constitutionally empowered to contest in 2015, but he must step down because Emperor Obasanjo wishes it so. How dare Jonathan contradict Emperor Dictator Obasanjo. Obasanjo is willing to bring the whole roof down in tantrums! JONATHAN MONITORING 1000 POLITICIANS OR RAISING A KILLER SQUAD! Rumors, innuendos! Some people threatened hell fire to make the Nation ungovernable if Jonathan won the 2011 elections. True to their threats, hell was let loose in post election violence followed by the havoc of Boko Haram. Some people are threatening bloodshed if Jonathan contends the 2015 election at all. Should Jonathan fold his hands and see a repeat of what happened in 2011? Which Government worth its salt would do that? Obasanjo is pushing Nigeria towards a precipice in 2015. Will Nigeria cease to exist as a Country in 2015? Yes! The National conference is the way out of Nigeria breaking up. Boko Haram said they will stop fighting if Jonathan becomes a Muslim! The Niger Delta has issued its own threat now. Nigeria will be ungovernable if Jonathan is not allowed to contest in 2015. Which state in the North can exist for six months without oil money? Can the Federal Government survive one year of no oil money? The Niger Deltans did not say, they will wipe all of us out. People are talking as if Jonathan has done nothing good. He has not wiped out the Borno, Yobe, Adamawa axis as Obasanjo would have done. There is a revolution in Agriculture. The railway is back. Sure p is working. The State Government gets their shares of the oil subsidy removal dividends. The Local Governments got theirs. PHCN has been privatized. Now they can perform well. Indigenous investors are being encouraged. States lacking Universities have now benefitted. Ask those states if they appreciate the gestures. CORRUPTION. President Jonathan must give corruption a fatal blow. EFCC should be free to investigate all sectors, Government, Ministers, Politician, etc. Northern Christians have a dream. A Nigeria where we can worship freely. A Nigeria where we have our rightful share of developments and amenities. Christians are being short changed in the Air Force. Christian lecturers in Ahmadu Bello University can never become a Head of Department again. We are not qualified to be vice Chancellor even when we are far better than other contenders. If the Anti Christ can gang up in APC, we are not alarmed. If APC is so sure of upper hand in the political set up, why can they exercise patience for a year and capture seat in 2015. APC has no agenda for the masses. Their only agenda is to seize power, so they must welcome all people into their fold. That very character will destroy them. WHO OWNS NIGERIA? Nigeria is not the property of any Politician, Traditional Ruler or General. Even the people in Nigeria are not the real owners of Nigeria. They are temporary custodians. Jehovah the I Am that I Am, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Governor General of the whole Universe is the owner. Psalms 24:1 the earth is the lord’s. Man may plan and plan, people may gang up for evil, only the Counsel of God will prevail. Isaiah 54:17, Isaiah 41:10-13, Isaiah 7:5-7 Let God arise and let all His enemies be scattered! Amen. We know there was a master plan to produce two Muslims, one as the Presidential candidate of PDP and the other as the Presidential candidate of APC. It has been done before Abiola and Tafa, two Muslims became the Presidential candidates of the two parties in existence then SDP and NRC. We know all the turmoil in PDP is the attempt to carry out the agenda. We pity the Christians joining to play a script they know nothing about. We will not be surprise if Atiku joins the APC. Watch an APC that Atiku and Obasanjo are members of. Watch the strange bed fellows that are in APC, and in an attempt to produce a Muslim President. LIST OF PRESIDENTS OF NIGERIA ND THEIR RELIGION Tafawa Balewa Muslim Gen Aguyi Ironsi Christian Gen Yakubu Gowon Christian Gen Murtala Mohammed Muslim Gen Olushegun Obasanjo Christian? Alhaji Shehu Shagari Muslim Gen. Mohammadu Buhari Muslim Gen. Ibrahim Babamgida Muslim Shonekan Muslim Gen. Sani Abacha Muslim Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar Muslim Shehu Yar Adua Muslim Jonathan Goodluck Christian 8 Muslim, 5 Christians Civilian or elected Presidents Alhaji Tafawa Balewa Muslim Alhaji Shehu Shagari Muslim Alhaji Abiola cheated out by fellow muslimsMuslim Gen Olusegun Obasanjo Christian Shehu Yar Ayua Muslim Ebele Jonathan Christian 4 Muslims, 2 Christians In all these where have the Christians cheated the Muslims that they are so desperate for power that they must bring the nation down? So we see that it is not any sin that Jonathan has committed that they are after him. If he were a core northern Muslim, nobody will wage war against him! To the National conference we go. To your Tents oh Israel! WHAT THE NIGERIAN MASSES REALLY WANT OF NIGERIA. They want a Nation where any Nigeria can reside peacefully, lawfully anywhere without any harassment. They want a Nation where any Nigerian can carry out his lawful economic activities without molestation or hindrance. They want a Nation where every Nigerian can put to use or develop his God given potentials or abilities without let or hindrance. They want a Nation where each Nigerian can practice his or her Religion within the ambit of the law, without hindrance. He can change his Religion at his own will and there will be no persecution. They want a Nation where no man is oppressed. They want a Nation where though tongues and tribes may differ but in brotherhood we stand. They want a Nation where all are equally treated as brothers. That means no area will be sideline in development, appointment, jobs or political offices or patronage. They want a Nation where good and affordable health facility will be available for all. They want a Nation where the Resources of the Nation will not be looted but shared justly and used justly for all. They want a Nation that will not be hijacked by some jackals, hyenas or ferocious lions. They want a Nation where rigging of election, corruption, assassination, kidnapping, Boko Haram will not exist and there will be freedom of speech. They want a Nation with an excellent justice system, a police force that is non corrupt but friendly and fair. They want a Nation where workers will earn justifiable salary that is well above starvation level. They want a Nation where leaders will be true servants of the people not bullies dictators or despots. They want a Nation where the youths will have a future, a nation devoid of fear, where human life is respected. They want to be able to put food on the table for their children, give them excellent education and live a good life. We want all Nigerians who believe in all we have stated above to rise up, resist, and overthrow all who want to bring Nigeria into ruins or who are advocating chaos and confusion. Evang. Matthew Owojaiye Old Time Revival Hour Former Chairman NOSCEF
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:01:16 +0000

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