HAJJ 2014 LATEST FROM GHANA CAMP IN MAKKAH: The flame of unity - TopicsExpress


HAJJ 2014 LATEST FROM GHANA CAMP IN MAKKAH: The flame of unity and understanding which has resonated through the Muslim Leadership in Ghana for some time now and which was sustained in Arafat couple of days ago where prayers were said for Ghana,the President and the people of Ghana. With some few days to return back to our peaceful country Ghana,Sheikh Umar,Sheikh Shuaib,Sheikh Barry and Sheikh Armiao paid a courtesy call on the National Chief Imam at his residence in Makkah to wish him well and congratulate him for being part of the success of Hajj in recent times compare to the past years. The five solid Islamic Clerics prayed for Ghanaian Pilgrims especially those who died during the Hajj rituals,the Ghana President and his family,the economy of Ghana,Government functionaries,the people of Ghana and the Hajj Board under the leadership of Alhaji Abdul Rauf Tanko. They drunk water,enjoyed some fruits together and some jokes which made the meeting lively and exciting. To Allah be the Glory.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:56:37 +0000

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