HALLO FELLOW SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD;FAITH IS A VIRTUE ANCHORED WITH THE WORD OF GOD and this what God is saying to those who uses his word well:The Father says today that your world is framed by God-words I have placed in your mouth. Down through history I transmitted My words from ancient cultures and foreign tongues right down to this day. Take advantage of the access I have afforded to you of My word says the Father. See that which is living and dynamic where others see only dead letter. See the word of My power where others see only mythology and contrivance. Allow My word to become the God-word on the inside of you. My word is living and powerful and will come to life on lips of faith. Even as the candlestick, which was to provide light in the Holy Place of My earthly temple, was to be of a beaten work, shaped and fashioned by the artisan alone, even so do I desire to bring light in your darkness, as you hammer out these matters on the anvil of My altar in prayer. Come unto Me, and I will give you rest. When you speak My word you bring Me on the scene says the Father. When you speak My word rice paper and bonded leather become the vital link between bondage and breakthrough. Fall in love with My word once again this day. Refuse to allow another to arbitrate My word for you. Let your relationship with My word become personal and intimate once again. I honored My word above My name and I call upon you to clothe yourself afresh and anew with My words. In so doing My word will become manifest substance and promise in your life says the Father.There are things in your future for which I want you to exercise your faith. Because of that, there are two routes from which you can choose. You can go the way of speculation or you can go the way of discernment. Discernment is good and from Me. Speculation is not good and its wisdom is not from above. Speculation ends in disappointment. Discernment, if followed, ends in My plans for your future. Your future is blessed and anointed. When speculating you end up either in grandeur or failure. Instead discern. Proverbs 4:1 (AMP) Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters].
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:46:21 +0000

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