HALLO FELLOW TANZANIA, FOR ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO BECOME THE NEXT EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY YOUTH AMBASSADORS, THE TOPIC FOR THE ESSAY IS OUT. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT ON THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY YOUTH AMBASSADORS PLATFORM PAGE OR YOU MAY CHECK THE INFORMATION HEREUNDER:, EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY - NYERERE CENTRE FOR PEACE RESEARCH (EAC-NCPR) 3RD EAC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ DEBATE ON EAC INTEGRATION 4TH – 5TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 (CONCEPT NOTE AND ADVERTISEMENT) 1.0 BACKGROUND The East African Community (EAC) is the regional intergovernmental organization of the Republics of Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania with its Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The Vision of the EAC is “A prosperous, competitive, secure, stable and politically united East Africa”. The Mission is to widen and deepen economic, political, social and cultural integration in order to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa through increased competitiveness, value added production, trade and investments. The EAC integration is to be realized in an incremental progression through four stages of: a Customs Union; Common Market; Monetary Union; and ultimately a Political Federation of the East African States. A fully fledged Customs Union was established on 1st January, 2010, after five years of transitory implementation. The Common Market, which came into force on 1st July, 2010, provides for free movement of persons, capital, goods, services, and the rights of residence and establishment. The Protocol establishing the Monetary Union was signed in November 2013, while its implementation is progressive. The ultimate and the last stage of EAC integration is the Political Federation: the institutional and capacity development to lay its foundation are ongoing and process towards initiating the development of the Federal Constitution is in high gear. 2 2.0 ENGAGING YOUTH AS STAKEHOLDERS IN EAST AFRICA INTEGRATION PROCESS The youth of East Africa are important stakeholder in the EAC processes and form substantial part of the population. Article 120 (c) of the EAC Treaty1 provides for adoption of a common approach for involvement of the youth in the integration process through education, training and mainstreaming youth issues into EAC policies, programmes and projects as one of the strategic interventions towards the realization of a fully integrated Community. 1 The Treaty for Establishment of the EAC is available at eac.int The East African Community Youth Summit on EAC Integration and Development Processes held in Arusha, Tanzania from 2nd – 3rd November, 2007 set the pace for youth participation in the EAC integration. The Summit acknowledged that information sharing and education on East African integration and development is fundamental for the promotion and sustainability of regional integration. The youth groups in the region called upon the EAC Secretariat to engage young people as partners to reach out to their peers on issues of EAC integration and processes which will enhance the enthusiasm needed to drive national and regional development. The Secretariat through the Department of Political Affairs in collaboration with the Departments of Social Sectors and Corporate Communication on a continuous basis have engaged youth on issues pertaining to the integration processes through youth platforms, dialogues, sensitizations forums and students’ training and exchange programmes conducted under EAC Nyerere Centre for Peace Research(EAC-NCPR). To this end, over 90 students from East African Universities have benefited from the exchange training programs on Peace and Conflict Resolution, Good Governance and Human Rights carried out. These programs have created an enabling environment for students to play an active role in the integration process as well as offer the students a platform that enables them to learn more about the region. 3.0 EAC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ DEBATE ON REGIONAL INTEGRATION The EAC University Students Debate on Regional Integration is an annual event that started in 2012. The aim of the debate is to provide a regional platform to promote dialogue among the university students and youth and interest them in advocating for regional integration initiatives. The Debate attracts an audience of over 100 students from the hosting country and lecturers from public and private universities and other higher institutions of learning. In addition, the debate also brings together representation from youth councils, private sector, 3 civil society, media, technocrats and academia to dialogue on topical issues on the regional integration agenda. Six participants are nominated on the basis of winning qualifying short essays and are drawn from each Partner State making a total of 30 debaters per event every year. During the debate, one winner from each Partner State is appointed as EAC Youth Ambassador and the 1st runners up are appointed as Deputy EAC Youth Ambassadors for a period of one year. They become focal points in their respective Universities/Partner State to advocate for the EAC integration with the responsibility of sensitizing, education and engaging their peers from the national universities. In order to continue engagement with the alumni EAC Youth Ambassadors, the EAC Secretariat established the EAC Youth Ambassadors’ Platform2 where alumni become members of the Platform and continue supporting the current ambassadors in carrying out national sensitization and education activities on the EAC integration. The Platform provides a structured and sustainable engagement with the university administration and students. The Platform is hosted under the EAC Nyerere Centre for Peace Research, based at the EAC Headquarters. The EAC Youth Ambassadors have enhanced awareness on regional integration through establishment of Youth Clubs at universities and networking among institutions of higher learning in the region. 2 Concept Note and Terms of Reference for EAC Youth Ambassadors’ Platform available at eac.int/ncpr/index.php Moreover, noting that the EAC integration is people centered, the Youth have shown the potential to foster creativity, innovation, leadership and sharing of information and nurture a bond of “eastafricaness” with a distinct East African identity that is very much desired. The EAC University Students’ Debate has seen the formation of EAC Youth Clubs at universities, which has resulted in appreciation of constructive dialogues on the integration process thus increasing the enthusiasm among the youth and support for the EAC integration. 4.0 THE 3RD EAC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS DEBATE 2014 ON REGIONAL INTEGRATION The 3rd EAC University students debate is scheduled to take place from 4th – 5th September 2014 in Nairobi-Kenya. The debate is expected to bring together representation from university students, lecturers, academia, policy makers, media, youth leaders and students from some local schools to participate in the event. The main objective of the EAC University Students Debate is to promote continuous dialogue among the youth and interest them in advocating for regional integration initiatives. 4 The specific objectives are; i. To ensure continued participation of the youth in integration matters in the EAC region; ii. To encourage networking among university students in a bid to enhance EAC Integration; iii. To popularize the EAC integration Agenda through strengthening EAC Clubs that encourage sharing of experiences. iv. To prepare the youth for future leadership roles at regional and international levels as they hold the mantle as Ambassadors of EAC integration in the region. 5.0 PARTICIPATION AND GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION Six participants will be selected from each EAC Partner State, drawn from public and private universities and other institutions of higher learning. Participation in the 2014 EAC University Student’s Debate is limited to undergraduate students who are in their 2nd year for 3 year degree courses and 3rd year for 4 year degree courses. The Limitation is to ensure that students are stable at university and still have one year to serve as Youth Ambassadors before their graduation if appointed. Students who participated in the 1st and 2nd EAC University Students Debate should not apply so as to give an opportunity to others to take part. Interested applicants with good analytical, communication skills and a good command of English are encouraged to apply. Please note that the Debate will be conducted in English. The Debate will be based on a topical issue related to the EAC integration. Five judges with expertise in the specific area of discussion and on the overall area of EAC integration in general will be appointed to evaluate the debate on an agreed criteria. More information will be submitted to successful candidates, with qualifying essays in good time to allow them prepare sufficiently. The East African Community Secretariat will cover transport expenses, accommodation and meals for the participants during the two days event. 7.0 HOW TO APPLY Applicants who are interested to participate should write a one-page motivation letter explaining why they are interested to participate, indicate their nationality, which university they come from and the Year of Study. Applicants are also required to write a short essay on the topic “The success of EAC integration will depend on joint efforts towards upholding collective peace and security in the region” Discuss. The essay should not exceed 2 pages, bookman old style, and font size 12 with single line spacing. 5 Lastly, applicants are required to attach a 2 page curriculum vitae, copies of their national ID/Passport and University Identity Card. Please send your applications in one attachment/folder to – EAC Secretariat on Email: [email protected] and copy Ms. Barbara Kaboha, Program Assistant, EAC-Nyerere Centre for Peace Research, on email – [email protected] kabohabarabara@gmail and Weiss Lisa, on email [email protected]. The applications should reach EAC not later than 15th August, 2014 at 5:00pm East African time. Please note that only successful candidates will be contacted. 6.0 EXPECTED OUTCOMES The debate will bring together representatives from academia, private sector, civil society, media and technocrats from the East African region who will listen to the debate and make the comments on the strength of the deliberations and make recommendations. The Debate will be streamed live on the EAC website to enable a wide view of the event and will be broadcasted in the media. The Best Debaters will be appointed as EAC Youth Ambassadors for the Period 2014/2015 with an obligation to spearhead sensitization and peer-to-peer learning among University Students in collaboration with the EAC Secretariat; East African Legislative Assembly and Ministries of EAC Affairs in the Partner States. The awards will be made at a gallant Gala Dinner where Winners will be officially appointed together with many other prizes. It is expected that by the end of the Debate and in the spirit of promoting a sense of “eastafricaness” a bond will be created among the students thereby shaping and nurturing the East African identity among the youth. Participants would be empowered through the Platform to participate, dialogue and contribute to policy formulation on the EAC Youth agenda. East African Community Secretariat August, 2014 Arusha - Tanzania
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:40:38 +0000

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