HALLOWEEN- SHINING GOD’S LIGHT AND AN INDIAN GIRL AND HER HALLOWEEN CANDY I may step on some toes with this post… Paper feather head band, Potato Sack, and ponytails...That was my Halloween costume every year until I was about 5 years old. Yes, we went door to door and yes, I got candy… and a lot of it!! We never got stuff like that growing up. I don’t think I have EVER had a store bought costume… For us…that much candy was like being at Disneyland… I wasnt celebrating the devil...I wanted candy and really I just wanted to be an Indian because I thought they were cool and it was in my DNA. I would look pretty silly in a potato sack and a paper feather head band any other day of the year. One time at a Harvest festival in Jr. High I went as the Dead Sea (we were suppose to go as a Bible character)…Yep, I think I got 2nd place at my school for that. I was literally a Big Cardboard C with a dagger through it. LOL…Do I agree with ALL the stuff that happens on Halloween? Nope. I won’t say I am or am not endorsing trick or treating- To be honest…it’s not as safe anymore. I am all about letting kids experience the joy of candy and getting to dress up as a hero or princess. Yes,There are crazy things the enemy takes advantage of on Halloween. Yet; In that place of darkness…There is also THE BRIGHTER LIGHT OF CHRIST WE ARE MEANT TO SHINE FORTH!!!! There are 2 different Holidays on the same eve of Oct 31st - Halloween and All Saints Day Eve. A little History…All Saints Day is the second day of Hallowmas, and begins at sunrise on the 1st of November and finishes at sundown on the 1st of November. Its a Celtic holiday...It can almost be compared to Veterans day for saints and martyrs. It’s not about witches and warlocks. It is a day that honors saints and martyrs that gave their life for their faith. Yes, taken too far it becomes idolatry like anything else!! Most people don’t know that Trick or treating originated by giving cakes to the poor and people wore masks to mock evil to say that God had power over evil. Yes, admittedly some of the practice was off and still is of course and most obviously... but the lessons we can learn from it arent... We forget that anything the enemy comes up with is a counterfeit of Christ. We are meant to shine His light in the dark places...the REAL, AUTHENTIC light and love of Christ will ALWAYS shine brighter than the counterfeit and darkness. I cant tell you to or not to dress up or trick or treat- that’s between you and God; but I can tell you this... that HIS LIGHT WILL ALWAYS SHINE BRIGHTER IN THE DARKNESS…That God always has the power over evil and we should always shine His light, pray for people and feed the poor! If there is a place for you to shine His light on a night like Halloween …get in there and do it! The Cross wasn’t a costume…Had Jesus ran from the darkest night when He was cloaked in all of our sin…we would be cloaked in our own masks of darkness and sin and have no light of His to shine! Why do we run from the darkness, batten down the hatches, and act like God left His throne for a night…on this night when it’s the best time to SHINE HIS LIGHT!!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:55:14 +0000

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