HALLOWEEN: Wicca, the Government Sponsored Religion PLEASE - TopicsExpress


HALLOWEEN: Wicca, the Government Sponsored Religion PLEASE READING: IMPORTANT ARTICLE Programs celebrating witchcraft are filling TV shows and movie theaters. Books about wizards are on the top-seller list. Games cant be fun anymore if they dont have some kind of magic spells or sorcery involved... And lets not forget we celebrate an official Witch holiday every year at the end of October! Followers of Christ and responsible citizens of the United States of America have given ground over to pagan beliefs and it is time we stop. In a day and age where we hear more and more of prayer being eliminated from school and high school football games, and Christian religious symbols are being removed from public places, can you tell me where the outcry is over the United States Government apparently sanctioning and sponsoring the religion of witchcraft or wicca through the Public School system? When do they do this? On Halloween - also called Samhain or Samhuinn in the Wiccan religion. Is Witchcraft a real religion? Here is a quote from a Wicca web site proudly proclaiming its heritage and beliefs: Witchcraft is a religion, sanctioned as such by the US Government. And no, Witches do not worship Satan, or Lucifer or the Devil. In fact, the religion of Witchcraft does not even recognize such a being exists. Witchcraft is a religion of the earth, based on the changing seasons and the phases of the moon. It, in fact, has more in common with some Native American practices than with Satanism or Devil Worship. We honor the earth as our mother, and the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit) as our constant companions and sources of power. I will not spend much time writing against Witchcraft, the Bible is VERY CLEAR on this subject. Anyone practicing or following the beliefs of witchcraft or wicca are in need of salvation in Jesus Christ as we all are. Enough said on that. What I am more concerned about is that we as Christians (supposedly Followers of Christ) have closed our eyes to the furtherance of false and demonic religion in our society. Does that sound too intolerant? It should! Im talking about the indoctrinating of children with pagan images and beliefs! Christ taught us to LOVE OTHERS and to TEACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE. I hate to say it this way, but todays concept of Tolerance is not exactly a doctrine of Christ. Most of the time, love will look the same as tolerance, but the difference is, when someone can be hurt by their false beliefs, love steps in and shows the way to truth. We are commanded to tell the truth to the world. Matthew 28:19-20 But is Halloween REALLY a pagan holiday? BTW, they like the word Pagan, it isnt a bad word to them. Anyway, yes, Halloween IS an actual pagan holiday. It began as a pagan holiday several centuries ago. It is, in fact, one of the four major sabbots (holy days) out of 8 recognized sabbots. Here is an excerpt from a wiccan web site (forgive me for actually presenting pagan false teaching, but in this case it is important for you to read what they say): One of the 4 major Sabbats, Samhain, our time of endings and our time of beginnings. Samhain is the Witches New Year. It is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls are leaving this physical plane and souls are coming back (reincarnating). Samhain is when darkness increases. The Goddess reigns as the Crone and the God, Dark Lord, passes into the underworld to become the seed of his own rebirth. Divination is heightened on this night. Samhain is also known as Halloween, All Hollows Eve, Day of the Dead, All Saints Eve, Celtic Winter, Feast of Spirits, Celtic New Year, and Samhuinn and is celebrated on October 31st. Symbols used to represent Samhain are: jack-o-lantern, masks, cauldron, Waning Moon. Altar decorations can consist of: small jack-o-laterns, foods from the harvest, photographs of your loved ones who have departed this world, statue or figurine of the Goddess in her Crone aspect. Sounds very familiar to our Halloween and how many school decorate their classrooms! If these were Christian Church decorations in the classrooms (like a nativity or the Cross Jesus died on), WHOA! Wed hear an outcry!! Look out for all the law suits!!!!!! And please dont think that wicca is only copying and using the popular notion of Halloween as a clever use of an established holiday. They insist that the pagan wiccan religion PRE-DATES CHRISTIANITY! Mind you, God promised CHRIST in the garden of Eden... but we wont go there. Suffice it to say THEY believe it and will argue the point with you, with documentation! All the symbols and practices of Halloween DO pre-date todays commercialization of the holiday - so what IS true is that WE are borrowing and sanctioning the religious beliefs of witches in our schools! Do you think that is overstating the issue or just going off the deep end? Well, then you decide. But keep in mind that Wicca IS an official religion sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Take a look at the above quotes from witchcraft literature (or do your own research) then look around you: bullet Look in the classrooms and hallways. Do you see Christian symbols on the walls during Christian holidays like you see pagan symbols at Halloween. bullet Do they have Halloween AND Christmas/Easter parties being careful to focus on the true religious symbols of the Christian holidays? bullet When they announce the holidays do they still call it Christmas Break (as they did in my day) or Winter Holiday? bullet What other holiday is mandated and regulated like Halloween. (ie. In most communities, it is the school system that chooses what night to allow children to go trick or treating). What am I suggesting? Just that students and concerned parents be bold enough to insist that if God must leave the public school... so must every other religion... including witchcraft. Then see what happens! People may accuse you of wanting to push for witch burning... But say, No, just equal treatment under the law. If the worship of God isnt allowed in schools, then neither should the worship of the earth or the dead, or whatever they claim to worship (they are pretty evasive about this. Officially, they dont worship anything, but...) Stick to the fact that Witchcraft IS an official religion with official holidays - Halloween being a major one. That is enough. Or youll get laughed at. The popular notion is that Witchcraft ISNT real... So instead use their current name of Wicca. Allow for their notion that it pre-dates modern Christianity, then point to their calendar of holidays and ask why the public school system invites their religion into the schools and incorporates their holidays WITHOUT filtering out the official symbols or beliefs. Dont mention Satan or the Devil or God. They dont believe he exists, so they dont worship him by name. It isnt about HOW they worship or WHO they worship, but that they DO worship and Halloween is THEIR official holiday. Get it? Oh, and for those of you that think you have the problem licked by holding substitute parties, here is one last quote from a witches web site (Im not saying that substitute programs are a good or bad, but this quote IS worth noting!): For the last several years, Christian groups have focused their sights on the celebration of Halloween. Using the same ancient propaganda, they have branded it evil, the devils holiday, a time when Witches and Satanists hold their grotesque rituals. Christian parents are urged to keep their children away from the festivities, lest they be tempted into a lifetime of evil by putting on a pointy, plastic hat. Many churches are insisting on Harvest Celebrations instead of Trick or Treat, which is in fact the original, pagan way of celebrating the holiday. Im sure Christian groups would be horrified to know that they are now celebrating Halloween the same way Witches are!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:49:27 +0000

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