HAMAS AND ITS LEADERSHIP ARE ALL ISRAEL AGENTS Read the following facts: (1) Hamas is a fake organization to fool Palestinians and the world. It is a creation of Israel to eliminate Palestinian from Gaza and West bank. Read more .... (i) informationclearinghouse.info/article10456.htm. (ii) Also read information on this link. henrymakow/israelcreatedhamastoavoid.html (2) Mr. Cohen, (picture # 3), a Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, responsible for religious affairs in Gaza has watched Hamas Muslim Brotherhood movement take shape and then morphed into an Israeli funded militant group. Read more ... zionismsucks/2014/07/16/why-israel-created-hamas/ (3) The first leader of Hamas Shaikh Ahmed Yaseen (Picture # 1) was Muslim Brotherhood extremist who was brought from Egypt by Mossad and allowed to create Hamas in Gaza. Look at his face, he looks like a Saudi trained Cleric. Read more ... negarakita/Post-1036591-Wall+Street+Journal+%3A+How+Mossad+Created+Hamas+_+Lessons+For+DAP+%26amp%3B+PAS (4) The current political Head of Hamas Khaled Mashal (picture # 2) is a billionair who lives in Qatar and works under the guidance of Salafists and Zionists. Read more ... henrymakow/israelcreatedhamastoavoid.html (5) The Hamas Chief in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh (picture # 2) is also notorious, who is reported to have acquired a fortune of billions of dollars. They all work under Israeli Government Instructions. Read more ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_Haniyeh (6) Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades is also created by Israel. These terrorists are used to fire rockets on Israel and create some terrorists activities. Taking it as an excuse, then IDF (Israel Defense Force) massacre innocent Palestinians. This drame is being continued since 1970s. All terrorists in Al-Qassam Brigade belong to Muslim Brotherhood based in Egypt. The rocket attacks on Israel as undertaken by them on the instance of Israel to use as an excuse to kill Palestinians. The political leadership of Hamas is made to announce that they do not want peace with Israel. The IDF use these statements to continue their assault on Palestinians. Read more .. https://middleeastmonitor/news/middle-east/12930-al-qassam-brigades-from-one-pistol-to-an-organised-army THE ABOVE FACTS ARE KNOWN TO ALL GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:10:29 +0000

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