HAMAS WANTS A PALESTINIAN STATE? HERES THE TRUTH! As a friend said on his post, there is no reason why there cannot be peace between Israel and the people of the Gaza strip, a region controlled by Hamas; no reason, that is, except for Hamas itself and indoctrination of the entire population by Hamas propaganda, their hatred of the Jewish nation and stated desire for the destruction of Israel. The PLA was simply a terrorist organisation, unworthy of any statehood; and now Hamas are little if any better. They are the very first to break every Cease Fire and any diplomatic agreements. They cannot be trusted to keep their word or to act properly as any normal sovereign state would. Therefore, there is NO need for the U.N., its member nations nor any other sovereign state to promote and/or force a Palestinian state. Israel and Judaism are as old as old itself, far older than Islam which actually recognises Abraham, Moses and even Jesus in the Quran. The whole region was given to Israel (including Gaza, Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Bethlehem and Nazareth) by God as the promised land. Muhammad even called the region the land that belonged to the Jews. Jerusalem IS the Capitol of Israel and the Temple Mount IS a Judaeo-Christian historical site of which the Palestinians and the Islamic people have no claim other than the alleged visit Muhammad made to heaven from there, a one-off incident compared to thousands of years of history for the Jews. Islam has its holy site at Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They pray daily toward Mecca NOT toward Jerusalem ... Jerusalem and The Temple Mount IS the Holy site of Jews.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:48:26 +0000

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