HAMILTON COALITION AGAINST POVERTY ( HCAP ) marched along independently displaying the HCAP banner at the Campaign for Adequate Welfare and Disability ( CAWDB) Protest and March named Inequality hurts everybody . It was a moderate sized group of people who marched from Gore Park to Hamilton City Hall today. It seemed pretty consistent that those who control the CAWDB with an iron fist would conveniently have a speaker who strongly encouraged the people who marched to vote at the upcoming municipal election which for their ? choice of councillor and mayor candidates. Given the continuous repeated bafflegab by these same candidates and who just parrot blindly the candidates that came before them. What exactly have previous political figures concretely done to improve Hamilton and provide solid stability? What earth-shattering decisions and solid and consistent party platforms have these wanna be politicians maintained consistently throughout their campaigns ? To keep encouraging a group of run down and excessively manipulated vulnerable people living in constant poverty to vote for candidates that continually say that they are there for the PEOPLE and promise ad nauseum that they will keep good on their promises to the PEOPLE and then after getting electing these very same politicians disavow any promise to uphold these party platforms. Seems very contradictory to me to follow a dysfunctional and increasingly corrupt political system that frequently seems to lack the ability to keep proper account of where and how much money is allocated for specific areas. Isnt the whole point of an anti-poverty group like the CAWDB to stand in the gap for those who have difficulty finding the power to establish and maintain their political voice and strength ? It is not just to bow to this same dysfunctional system and resignedly teach the people they say they are supporting to do the same? How weak, false and unempowered is this? People who are struggling under the terrible wait of a system and who are hungry for a true leader and REAL answers are unfortunately told that there is nothing they can do except vote in a pathetic pretense of Democracy . Is any of this REAL power or change? To the woman who said this who believes herself to be a powerful activist and YET has the NERVE to firmly encourage the people standing there in front of her to just VOTE ... end of story. I have to say to this so-called activist to take a good long look in her mirror and take stock of where she really is and what she really believes. I am very eager to have further discussions with this woman and understand how she feels very complacent and comfortable to sell out this easily. I am not planning on leaving Hamilton any time soon so you can call the shots on this on. I will be waiting.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:58:03 +0000

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