HANKYOU ALL SO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING THE PLIGHT :)))) THIS HAS MADE MY DAY ...SO PLEASED :))) EAST YORKSHIRE: Thanks To The Power Of Facebook We Have Located The Five Stolen Chihuahuas Log 493 10/04/14 After intruders entered a house in Lissett, East Yorkshire last Thursday and took five show dogs along with an array of expensive jewellery, a camera, photographic equipment, a bunch of keys including a car key to the family car and a laptop computer, police have located the five missing Chihuahuas. The five Chihuahuas have now been confirmed as belonging to the family in Lissett. The five dogs have been located in Warrington, Cheshire. A 30-year-old man was jogging down a track on Friday evening in Culcheth, Warrington when he allegedly came across five abandoned Chihuahuas down a farm track. He took them to his home address, as they all looked dishevelled and in need of food and water. Luckily a visiting friend informed the man of our Facebook appeal following Thursday’s burglary and he contacted the police right away. Identification proved time consuming, however inroads made by Cheshire Police have formally identified the dogs came from our Lissett burglary. Please pass on our huge thank you to all those who shared this post, we had calls from all over the country with possible sightings in London, Thames Valley and Manchester, to name just a few – Social media is a very powerful tool and we are very grateful for all your support in trying to locate these dogs. Their rightful owner is looking forward to being reunited with their pets and the burglary investigation will continue. humberbeat humberbeat_ery
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:42:44 +0000

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