HANUKKAH : Janucá, Chanukah: Shalom AJIM , I want to talk - TopicsExpress


HANUKKAH : Janucá, Chanukah: Shalom AJIM , I want to talk about the holiday of Chanukah , Hanukkah , Chanukah : You need to understand this event , as with a view to our Messiah will understand it better , not good when you have shut the truth, nor fall into what Christianity or Christian sects judaísantes court, taught by point view as our people see it, in a merely nationalistic or Zionist ,it is not so ! . In addressing this party and the following non toraíticas holidays, we will be developing and seeing more clearly what a Sod, as these parties calls toraíticas are not mentioned , from Adonai directly or given to Moshe Rabbeinu , in Torah. These are jagím sod , hidden or concealed parties, that in his time they have to reveal your spiritual court , rather than political-religious or Zionist halachic , because I say that , is my treatment of Adonai in all these years, in part Christian , as our people , having an objective point of view and open , not fanatical , not dogmatic, as made clear Adoneinu Yeshua HaMashiach , which we will see in this short Midrash haJanucá . Traditional Hanukkah : In Israel , as in our communities , depending on geographical location, being , the atmosphere with joy and many good things to eat is prepared, and children are given a kind of pirinola , is included in the time of our Sephardic brethren being in the middle of Turkey or Turkish - Ottoman Empire ; expectantly at sunset to light the menorah , a symbol of the true Menorah , which was in the Beit Hamikdash , which has six branches , estandos more Shamash , completing seven: the menorah has eight arms, plus the shamash , completing nine it special are the eight arms symbolize the miracle of the oil that lasted eight days , to keep on the Ner Tamid . Chanukah, Hanukkah or Chanukah : The history of this festival dates back as about AD 167 dec ( before the common era) , tells the independence struggle led by the Kohanim jashmoním , taking the lead , Matityahu Hacohen , begins his fight assimilation that was taking our people, to the Greco- Syrian or Greek culture , led by King Antiochus IV , or called Antiochus Epiphanes , as many Jews left the Torah and the traditions inherited by the acquiring Hellenic culture , both for its humanism , nudity, worship human body, in sport - religion : the famous Olympic games like their philosophy: Socrates , Plato, Aristotle, as idolatrous religion : Zeus , Athena , Olympia , Poseidon, their demigods : the Titans , Hercules and range of them . Many of our people, to be accepted by this culture , hiding her Mila , creating fake foreskins as changing their Hebrew by Greeks or Greek names , which was tilting the people to an absolute assimilation, and loss of their national identity , but that brought the cry of Independence to all this, was that through the treachery of many idolatrous Jews, pollute the Beth Hamikdash , placing idols inside and allowing Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig on the altar to their gods. Seeing the Kohanim this desecration , start a war of liberation , at the head of Matityahu Hacohen and his family , with his successor his son Matitiahu or Yehuda Hacohen , or Judah Maccabee , thanks to his intelligence and momentum achieved lift up our people and put the struggling soul , to deliver Israel from the troops of Antiochus Epiphanes , for two years the struggle is fierce , but eventually the troops a little David beats Goliath troops , these are removed. Our rabbis and chachamim discussed this, as an unprecedented event , as told in the Talmud , the attitude of the Kohanim jashmoním , and its dependence on Adonai , and his zeal for the Beth Hamikdash , what is striking about this is the Re -dedication of the Beth Hamikdash , and the miracle of the oil for the Menorah , the Ner Tamid . Since when enemy troops withdrew , enter the Beth Hamikdash , contaminating and destroying nearly everything in their flight pitchers destroy all oil menorah , and sacrificing no one but several pigs on the altar. Jashmoním Kohanim , to take control of Yerushalayim and the Beit - Hamikdash , starting with the rites of purification , both of them as the people and the Beth Hamikdash , with the surprise finding that they had enough oil for Chanukah ( Re - dedication dedication or Beth HaMikdash) , found in the basement of the Mishkan , a single pitcher with the seal of the Kohen Gadol of his time, and this was intact, had oil for one day. The miracle that is seen is that lasts eight days , enough time to prepare oliveros all necessary oil for the Menorah or Ner Tamid time, being established in our calendar or luaj , this party , remembering the struggle against assimilation , as a rescue of the lost Jewish Identity and Belonging, as the weak beats stronger than him , depending on the Eternal. These are eight days our people rejoice and give presents , as the Talmud tells us : Shabbat 21 B says: The 25th of Kislev begin the days of Chanukah. There are eight days when it is forbidden to mourn and fast . This feast for our village has two meanings : . 1 - Chanukah: Re - dedication , Dedication and Opening of Beth Hamikdash . After the desecration at the hands of the Hellenists , it was necessary to cleanse, purify and re- dedicate the Beth Hamikdash , as the same Kohanim and all the people of Israel had to. 2 - Jag haUrím . Festival of Lights : Relates to the miracle of the oil to keep the menorah lit or Ner Tamid . Both the Talmud , as quoted in the Midrash , and Gemara called Deutero - canonical books or apocrypha, neglected by our sages tell us struggle called the Kohanim jashmoním or bonefish , as its alliance with the Republic of Rome, which would become the famous Roman Empire , with its troops arrive to protect his new ally Israel. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Maccabees . ( this does not say our intellectuals, our current or chachamim ) . Unfortunately in the Christian world there is no Hebrew Greco-Roman light, but a Greek - Latin concept , or as having a love for the people of Israel, but thats just abstract or sentimentality. Despite believing in Yeshua HaMashiach , or Jesus Christ to them , a Greek -Roman , good Jesus thats a topic for another Midrash . In the messianism that prevails in today , they are the children of Christendom , since most comes from the Christian world , and the few of our people who are with them , assimilate , or will , there is a diversity of opinions , and all believe they have their truth : Some accept that יהוה flesh in Yeshua , some not, others speak of the present spiritual gifts and some not , some loss of salvation other no, other dates are important , for others not to other festivals are celebrated , not others, Chanukah is not toraítica and do not celebrate , others say the Messiah Yeshua held , as I have addressed these issues as well , we see a very big difference between us, human or religious doctrines assimilation, but what Adonai says it all? , יהוה is fed up with bickering and his redeemed that were purchased by Brit hadam Hadashah , the blood of the New Covenant or New Covenant) , further divided : I believe this, I learned this, this taught me well .... Well see what the Tanakh and the Brit Hadashah we have to share , because for us they are hakol יהוה ( the voice of יהוה ) , the Torah is even more progressive , and as I mentioned , these holidays are not toraíticas Sod, for which know Hebrew or advanced methods of rabbinical studies , do not mess here Kabbalah ,nO! , only to Emet Ruach , Ruach HaKodesh . We will see that יהוה says in the original Hebrew : ויּקריבוּ הנּשׂאים את חנכת המּזבּח בּיום המּשׁח אתו ויּקריבוּ הנּשׂיאם את - קרבּנם לפני המּזבּח Bemidbar Perek : 7:10 10 - . Vaiakrivú hanesím et Janucat hamizbeja himashá beióm vaiakrivú hanesím et oto - corbanam lifne hamizbeja . ( And the princes offered for the dedication of the altar in the day that it was anointed , even the princes offered their offering before the altar) . ויּזבּח שׁלמה את זבח השּׁלמים אשׁר זבח ליהוה בּקר עשׂרים וּשׁנים אלף וצאן מאה ועשׂרים אלף ויּחנכוּ את - בּית יהוה המּלך וכל - בּני ישׂראל Melachim Alef Perek : 8:63 . Vaizebaj Shlomó et zevach hashelamím , asher zavaj the יהוה bakar Esrim ushnaím Elephant , Elephant vesrím Meah Vezon . VaiaJenejú et -Bet יהוה - Hamelech vejol bnei Israel. ( And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peaceful , the sacrifice to יהוה which were twenty thousand oxen , and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep . Way they יהוה They dedicated the house of the king and all the children of Israel). ועבדוּ בני - ישׂראל כהניּא ולויא וּשׁאר בּני - גלוּתא חנכת בּית - אלהא דנה בּחדוה והקרבוּ לחנכת בּית - אלהא דנה תּורין מאה דּכרין מאתיִן אמּרין ארבּע מאה וּצפירי עזּין לחטּיא על - כּל - ישׂראל תּרי - עשׂר למנין שׁבטי ישׂראל Ezra Perek 6: 16-17 . 16 - . Vavdú vnei -Israel , velevaie cohanaia , ushar bnei - Galuta , Janucat Dena Beth Eloha bejedevá . ( And the children of Israel, and the Levites, the ministers , and the other children of the dispersion did the Dedication of the House Eloha with joy ) . . 17th - Vehakrivú laJanucat Eloha Dena Beth Torin MEA dijerín matain , Meah Imrin arba ; utzfire izin lejataia al- col -Israel , tere - roasting, leminian shivte Israel. ( And offered at the dedication of the house Eloha hundred bullocks , two hundred rams , four hundred lambs, and goats sin offering for all Israel , twelve, according to the will of the tribes of Israel). וּבחנכת חומת ירוּשׁלם בּקשׁוּ את - הלויּם מכּל - מקומתם להביאם לירוּשׁלם לעשׂת חנכה ושׂמחה וּבתודות וּבשׁיר מצלתּים נבלים וּבכנּרות Najmiá Perek : 12:27 . 27 - . UvaJanucá SMEG SpA yerushalaim bikeshú micol - et- halevín mekomotam , lahaviam Lirushalaím , lasot Chanukah, Sason , uvetodot , uveshir , metziletaím , nevalím uvekinorot . ( And at the dedication of the wall Yerusalaím the Levites from all their places sought to bring them to Yerushalayim , to the dedication with gladness, with thanksgiving, and with singing , with cymbals, harps and zithers ) . AJIM these perek show situations that happened to our people Israel, many centuries before the events of the so-called festival of Hanukkah , Chanukah was how the first Mishkan , also in time of Shlomó Hamelech in Galut first time in Babel and return, Chanukah, what did the Kohanim Levim and all the people in the time of Zruvabel , Esra Hacohen see Najmiá haNasi . With these examples from the Torah and the Tanakh and more the original Hebrew , Chanukah is linked to the Sanctity of Beth Hamikdash , ie the spiritual essence between Adonai and his people Israel , not the political, economic , social or religious part of our people who have lost their spiritual values, for the holidays you can say nice words , beautiful words , but they are human words , which are carried by the wind, if not accompanied by a spiritual weight. Continue to see passages , with that message Sod, Pardes and Remesh , on Chanukah: Daniel haNavi , as put in place our beloved Messiah Yeshua tells us in these prophetic visions , what would happen to our people , and what should happen : Daniel Perek : 7:13-28 , 8, 9:20-27 , 11:20-45 , 12 ) : Perek 7: 13 - . Saw in the night visions , and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a ben - Adam (son of man ) ,% who came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. . V14 - was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting % dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed . 15 - . Troubled me was the spirit to me, Daniel , in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. 16 - . I approached one of them that stood by , and asked him the truth concerning all this. So he told me , and made me know the interpretation of the things . 17 - . These four great beasts are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. 18 - . Vikablún maljuta kadishe Elionín , veiajsenun Maljuta ad - soul vead Almaia wired high-speed . ( Receive the kingdom the saints of the Most High , and possess the kingdom forever , forever and ever ) . 19 - . Then I would know the truth about the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others , exceeding dreadful , whose teeth were of iron and nails of bronze, which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet ; . 20 - And of the ten horns that were in his head, and the other which came up, before which three fell , even that horn that had eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, whose look was more stout than his peers. 21 - . I beheld this horn made war with the saints, and prevailed , % % . 22 - until the Ancient of Days came , and judgment was given to the saints of the Highest % and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom . . 23 - he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth , which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth , trampling it down and crushing it . . 24 - And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise : and another behind them , which shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings . . 25 - And he shall speak words against the Most High , and the saints of the most High , and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time. % % 26 - . But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end, 27 - . And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him . 28 - . Here was the end of his words. As for me , Daniel, my thoughts troubled me, and my countenance changed , but I kept the matter in my heart. This little comment this Perek : Daniel receives a revelation or interpretation of the four beasts he sees, the fourth is known both by theologians , for our Jajamín and rabbis, who is the Roman Empire, which during the centuries after his fall, major European powers , these lands were part of the Empire or the fourth beast arose, these empires and powers the call originated from middle Ages to the present day , eg the empire of Charlemagne , the Carolingian Empire , the Spanish Empire, the Portuguese Empire, the French Empire, the British Empire , Napoleon Bonaparte and his dream of restoring the ancient Roman Empire, Adolf Hitler, with his dream of restoring the ancient Roman Empire , through the National Socialism , each them through both political , military and religious ideology , wanted to emulate her mother , or resurrect the Roman Empire, the fourth beast. Today we have the European Community , which is not by the power of arms , or imposition , but by technology , education, and economic power , is tending their nets or tentacles to this continent, which was conquered by the descendants of the ancient Roman Empire, as their power is also subtly reaching other continents , the ten horns are in action , has to leave the little horn among them and knock three branches , to run your program already established. Here the saints , not the Church or Christianity, but the tzaddikim vekadishe Elionín our people Israel , but the righteous Jews, true , not just names or blood , but those who adhere to the Torah Emet and Adonai with all his col - nameshamá , col - Nefesh . Very important in this Perek point : the times were changed and the law , some of the popes in his bull , changed the Sabbath for the day Sunday, with this Christianity , separated from the parameters set by Adonai , following doctrines and commandments men , the law or Torah was changed by human dogmas and creeds , the Holy Mother Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church , held this system changes , as continues to this day , following the trend daughters : the Protestant Churches and Evangelical of all persuasions or denominations , hows his granddaughters calls Cults : Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, Jesus alone . Mention are other Christian denominations judaisante cut but with a line like the Adventists, the Universal Church of the New Covenant Israelite Congregation , which despite its Christian- tend to have a small spot light Hebrew view , keeping Shabbat, but the kosher diet , but believing in Yeshua as the Messiah even have this umbilical cord that I have not cut , which is that they are the spiritual Israel, and Israel is lost or intercepted , as his grandmother : the Catholic Church, and his Mother touting the Evangelical Church . Both the real Kahal of Mashiach will be in the Shamaim entering your ketubah or wedding stamp with Adonai Messiah , as his wife. Perek 8: ( Chapter 8): . 1 - In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared to me to me, Daniel , after that which appeared to me before. 2 - I saw in a vision ; . , And when I saw her , I was in Susa, which is the capital of the kingdom in the province of Elam ; saw in a vision , I was standing by the river Ulai . . 3 - I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a ram standing before the river, and he had two horns: and the horns were high , one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last . 4 - I saw the ram with horns struck the west , north and south , and that no beasts might stand before him , neither was there out of his hand , . , And did according to his will, and became great. . 5 - as I was considering , behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth , without touching the ground : and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. . 6 - And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen in the river , and ran unto him in the fury of his power . 7 - And I saw him come close unto the ram , and rose up against him and wounded him , and brake his two horns , and the ram had no strength to stand before him . Dropped him , therefore, on land, and trampled , and no one could deliver the ram from his power. . 8 - And the he goat waxed very still in her strong, the great horn was broken , and in place of it four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven . 9 - . And one of them came forth a little horn , which waxed exceeding great south and east , and toward the pleasant land . . 10 - And it waxed great even to the host of heaven, and the army and of the stars it cast down , and trampled % . 11 - . Waxed Even against the prince of the host , and he was taken away the daily sacrifice , and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. . 12 - And because of the transgression was given the army along with the daily sacrifice , and cast down the truth , and it practiced , and prospered . . 13 - Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled? . 14 - And he said, Unto two thousand and three hundred days , then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. 15 - . Pass that while Daniel had seen the vision , and sought for the meaning , behold, there stood before me as the appearance of man. . 16 - And I heard a mans voice between the banks of Ulai , which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man % % vision. . 17th - came near where I stood: and when he came, afraid, and fell upon my face . But he said to me , Understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the end time . . 18 - As he spoke to me , I fell asleep to the ground on my face : but he touched me, and set me upright . . 19 - And he said , Behold, I will teach you what is to come to the end of the indignation : for this is for the end time . 20 - . The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. 21 - . The goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. 22 - . As for the horn that was broken , and followed by four in its place , four kingdoms shall arise from the nation, but not with his power . 23 - . And at the end of their kingdom , when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance shall arise , and understanding dark . . 24 - And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully , and shall prosper, and shall prosper , and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people . . 25 - Through his cunning he shall prosper in his hand, and he shall magnify himself in his heart , and by peace shall destroy many , and stand up against the Prince of princes , but he shall be broken without hand . . 26 - The vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision , for it pertains to many days. . 27 - And I Daniel fainted , and was sick certain days, and when convalesced , and did the kings business , but I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it . This brings Perek , xray or Event called Antichrist or false Messiah , describes two animals a ram with two unequal horns and a goat with a horn on his forehead , we see his interpretation given by the angel to Daniel, which are two empires that time , Medo -Persia , which is Iran and Iraq today , falling and comes another more powerful , the Hellenic or Greek power under Alexander the Great ( the Great) , which in very young sudden death, his empire was divided into four parts , and conquered by his generals, indicating the power struggles that would follow from these roots , would a deposit of false Messiah, this king who takes away the daily sacrifice and brings loneliness to the Temple , as desecration , is king Antiochus IV Epiphanes or by bringing Israel Hellenization , shrewdly , astutely , as desecrating the Mishkan with their deities and not sacrificing a pig , but several . The abomination of desolation ago malachim happens that when they speak of this fact days and dates do not match the chronological time , but these dates are for a future time , what we hear these Gentiles or both of our rabbis terms: tribulation or distress or messianic woes of Yacov . With this view has to happen very strong indeed, both spiritually and nationally among our people , which is the reconstruction of the Bet Hamikdash , the resurgence of the tribe of Levi and the Kohanim , and shift more services to run the corbanot , Olamim , as a supposed peace with the Palestinians and the Arab world , the Palestinians can have a state within Israel, thanks to the efforts of this shrewd , cunning , intelligent, charismatic man who proclaims peace and love , of course supported by the United Nations. Until three and a half years remaining to him , this being, which will keep everyone fooled by the power of satan , as I mentioned above , go to Yrushalaím Israel and doors will open peer to peer as well the Bet Hamikdash , supported by his Jewish followers, proclaim Messiah, and this one feels on the throne that does not belong, usurping . Beginning a period of grief, pain and persecution for our people , as the Bet Hamikdash to be desecrated by this being and his followers, as it was in the time of the Maccabee , here these words given to Daniel would be fulfilled and supported by our beloved Messiah Yahshua and Shelijím , the Abomination of Desolation , the Assumption or false Messiah, are self proclaimed imanu EL , Elohim . And take the power from Yrushalaím , this is where the two olive trees and the two witnesses of Adonai emerge to counter the forces of darkness. Perek 9: . 20 - I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before יהוה my Elohim for the holy mountain of my Elohim ; 21 - . Was speaking in prayer , even the man Gabriel, whom % had seen in the vision at the beginning , to fly swiftly , touched me about the time of the evening sacrifice . . 22 - And he informed me , and talked with me , saying, Daniel , I have now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. 23 - . At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth , and I am come to shew thee; . Therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision . 24 - . Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city , to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin , to atone for wickedness , to bring in everlasting righteousness , to seal up vision and prophecy , and to anoint the saints . . 25 - Know therefore and understand, that from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and sixty -two weeks it shall be built again , with street and wall in troubled times . . 26 - And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off , but not for himself : and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary: and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and to the end of the war desolations are determined. . 27th - for one week shall confirm the covenant with many for half of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and offering . And for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the % consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate . This is one of the most cited Perek by almost all theologians and have given many interpretations , the Adventist world has its dogmatic foundation in the Book of Daniel with Revelation , but well look to the Hebrew point of view. The shavuim shivím the seventies weeks , which are set for our people, is something that the Lord has registered its luaj in hashamayim , chachamim Our Rabbis and matched to the seven thousand years, to the messianic era, the Chassidic speak worlds created before us haKadosh baruch eternal , and that has been several creations, to reach perfection. This coincides 167 years earlier, and assuming that Antiochus IV , kill the Kohen Gadol of his time Onias III , ben - Shimon II , as opposed to the assimilation of our people, the more this is done the desecration Bet Hamikdash , which is known as Abomination of Desolation , did Antiochus Epiphanes or Antiochus IV , entering Yrushalaím and the Bet Hamikdash , sacrificing several pigs, one of the lines of our people , the Messiah prince : is Cyrus because Adonai calls him Messiah, the Messiah who is dead, by this king and his people , ie by Antiochus Epiphanes and Seleuciadas is the Kohen Gadol , mentioned Onias III , since he resisted assimilation and against paganisación of our people. But not, since as we said each one contributes its bit with regard to this Perek , see what Adonai shows with historical and spiritual facts about these weeks : יהוה indicates that he has established a program of individual redemption , and nationally, for our people and for humanity , this is a timeline of events that have happened and they have to happen to reach the seventieth week , the order to return Eretz Israel from the Galup given by the kings of Persia and Media : Cyrus, Artaxerxes , depending luaj the Eternal , is the starting order and return to Eretz Israel, and rebuild Yrushalaím in times Zrubavel , Ezra Hacohen and Najmiá haNasi , weeks and sixty-two life Moshiach is removed, during the Roman Empire , the Roman power by Titus, son of Vespasian Caesar takes Yerushalayim and destroyed, devastating and destroying the Beis HaMikdash , this happened in 70 eE.c. SSiendo second Galup of our people , so to this day 5774 or 2013 is the desolation , because it is not the Beis HaMikdash , until it is rebuilt again by this being as above, Assumption Messiah, that in half week, break the Brit , and everything will be desolate again until everything is accomplished by the Messiah ben David . Perek 11: 27 - The heart of these kings shall be to do mischief, and at one table speaking lies , but will not help , because the end will still come. . 28 - And return into his land with great riches, his heart shall be against the holy covenant ; make his will, and return to his land . . 29 - At the time appointed south again , but will not be the first time as it was . . 30 - will oppose him ships of Chittim , and he shall be grieved , and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant . 31 - . And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength , and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination of desolation. % % . 32 - With flattery will appeal to the covenant , but the people who know their Ds is strong, and do . . 33 - Those who are wise will instruct many , though for a time they will fall by sword and flame , by captivity and plundering . the
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:00:03 +0000

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