HAPPINESS IS THE TRUTH Clap along if you feel like a room without - TopicsExpress


HAPPINESS IS THE TRUTH Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof, Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Clap along if you know what happiness is to you, Clap along if you feel like thats what you wanna do. A good friend of ours, Mindy Wren, introduced me to this song a few weeks ago, and I havent been able to get it out of my head since! (Thanks a lot, Mindy!) Actually, I love the song because it makes me feel good- more specifically, it makes me happy! I looked up the words to the song today, and now I like it even more! The main chorus is listed above. I looked up synonyms for happiness and came up with several good ones: ---Pleasure ---Joy ---Exhilaration ---Bliss ---Enjoyment ---Contentment Just like the song says, Clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Thats the thing about happiness- its different things to different people. The times that a happy moment hits us is usually not a huge event, but a little small thing that happens to you during the day that nobody else even notices- the laugh of a child, the honest joy of your pet, or something inspiring that you see someone achieve. Here are some things that make me happy: ---My wife makes me happy. Granted, not every minute of the day, but in little moments every day, she makes me smile. If you know Debbie, you know what I mean! She is one of a kind! ---My dog, Ellie, makes me happy. I get great joy out of seeing other people or animals that really LOVE something, and Ellie LOVES to swim. We have had several labs, and they all love to swim, but nothing like Ellie. The pure joy she shows when I say lets go swimming is something we should all feel. By the way, I ask Debbie all the time why she doesnt jump for joy and get that excited every day when I come home from work like Ellie does! (Maybe I should rub her belly like I do Ellie!) ---My kids make me happy- I am so proud of all of them for getting their college degrees and turning into quality people. That makes me smile. It especially makes me happy when they discover some secret of life that I have been telling them for 15 years! ---Working out at GPP Fitness and training makes me happy. In the midst of a very hard swimming workout, bike ride, or during the GPP workout itself, there is always that moment when you accomplish some little thing that you havent been able to do before. Even better, you get to know someone elses journey toward a healthy lifestyle, and it makes you feel happy and in awe of such quality people that have come so far in their personal journey, and they are doing it for the right reasons! The small moments of silent bliss are what we all live for, but to find those moments, you have to go out there and LIVE YOUR LIFE! Dont wait on it to happen to you- those moments that really make us the happiest are ones that happen in the midst of our journey. THE OTHER THING IS THIS- IF YOU HAVE A NEGATIVE OUTLOOK ON LIFE, YOU WILL MISS THE HAPPY MOMENTS WHEN THEY COME ALONG. THIS HAPPENS TO ALL OF US FROM TIME TO TIME- ITS THAT HUMAN THING! WE BECOME SO CONCERNED WITTH OUR OWN PITY PARTY THAT WE MISS THE BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON AROUND US EVERY DAY. Have a great day- make it a HAPPY one! ,
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:35:22 +0000

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