HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Ours was a Nation born from despair. Our - TopicsExpress


HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Ours was a Nation born from despair. Our forefathers came from distant lands in search of freedom from tyranny. Providence has seen fit to place upon this earth, from age to age, a select few who cannot and will not bend their knees in submission to the Empire of the age. Our forefathers were renegades such as this. One by one, they were driven from Europe. They sought refuge on these blessed shores where they established a government conceived in liberty, of the people, by the people and for the people. The powers which drove us to this land attempted to extend their iron hand to crush our newfound freedom, but it was too late. We had tasted freedom and it was sweet. There could be no return to slavery. The only chains remaining by which they could bind us was death, and so we fought. We fought with our hearts, with our faith and with all the abilities that God granted us. In the end we were victorious. Much blood was spilled, but the prize of freedom was won. We paid too dear a price for freedom to let it, once won, slip away. And so the wisest among us framed a constitution to guarantee that freedom as a birthright to the generations that would follow. The Founding Fathers foresaw the dark day when that which they had created would be perverted into a tyrannical beast like the one they had just declared their independence from. They warned their children and their childrens children to be vigilant, lest this great freedom perish from the earth. We slept... We forgot the things that made us free, and in so doing, we lost that freedom. Now in this final hour many of us wake! Patriot blood, long grown cold, begins to boil. The winds of change blow hard against the last glowing ember of hope, but the fire of freedom is not dead yet. … We have set our roots deep into this soil. We have made a home for ourselves here, a way of life. We cannot and will not surrender this land. We are few in number, but so it was in the beginning. Of all those who long for freedom on this earth, only a precious few dare pay the price for it. Whatever the price of freedom, by the grace of God, we will pay it. ~ Poetry, Essays And Aphorisms by Mark Edward Cody
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:44:55 +0000

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