HAPPY BIRTHDAY M8LING its been awhile best of buds since 07 - TopicsExpress


HAPPY BIRTHDAY M8LING its been awhile best of buds since 07 and whatnot but yeah heres a whole album of random stuff to emphasize your shame because i couldnt be bothered to make a collage (sorry lol) so your present isnt here yet because i hate mailmen so you get a really long paragraph instead (present later too though) ((actually i might consider keeping it)) youre ok but i also hate you and sometimes you need to put your head through a wall but all in all youre always there so yeah. there were so very many times we had huge arguments that end up in flaming wars of rage and blockage xD but in the endddd we always make peace and end up talking about hills or mushrooms and then transitioning into NO DONT GO INTO THE DARK PLACE. YOULL GET EVEN WORSE AT GAMING, IF THATS EVEN POSSIBLE. anyways wanna bafa 0.3 seconds later. i hope you have a good life and whatever and all your dreams come true and you get to ride a unicorn someday while you drown in ice cream and the blood of your enemies. youre the gamesei of gameseis and although your methods really suck (e.g. SHAMEFUL. SHAMEFUL. HOW DARE YOU LOSE TO THAT NOOB PLAYER JUL. F2... F2... //FACEPALM// ...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHY WOULD YOU TAKE ON THAT PLAYER JUL WHY) you end up saving my sorry arse when i accidentally engage some delightful pro player mid-massacre. IF I DIE I EXPECT YOU TO TAKE OVER MY ACCOUNT AND NEVER LET THE NAME OF APRICITY FADE... NEVER. someday.... someday i will beat you in a game, may it be outlast, ga2, or restaurant city. IT MAY NOT BE TODAY BUT IT WILL COME. MARK MY WORDS. and meanwhile, i will delight in divulging the fact that you are not, in fact, a female player to the rest of the ga2 world. i hate you and happy birthday again you miserable excuse of a chickenhorse
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 17:28:27 +0000

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