HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUA!!! FLOWERS FOR PUA FUNDRAISER A donor (who wishes to remain anonymous to the general public) has offered to match all donations to STPR through the end of the year, up to $7000!! This wonderful person has asked us to create a fundraiser in honor of her beloved cat, Pua, who recently passed away. Puas birthday was October 19th. Please help us celebrate Puas life and memory!! If you make a donation in honor of a loved ones birthday and send us a picture (and details about the loved one!), we will post a special thank you on our Facebook page and on our STPR website. All donations to the South Texas Persian Rescue Flowers for Pua fund will be directly used for vetting expenses, and for the sick, injured, and elderly rescues. All donations are tax deductible, we are a registered 501c3 non-profit organization. Please help us help them!!! - See more at: youcaring/medical-fundraiser/flowers-for-pua/198622#sthash.UaIF5Zi4.dpuf ____________________________________________ Here is Puas story: Pua was born with a bad liver. She was never really healthy, and we took her to several doctors. Liver values were WAY out of line. We finally had a liver biopsy done. When the doctor called with the results, he said she had a very, very, very, very, very (yes, 5 verys) serious liver problem that was way beyond his ability to help. We scheduled an appointment with the leading cat liver doctor in the country at Cornell. They actually have a cat liver department. They were wonderful to us, but didnt give us much hope. The liver doctor said we MIGHT have three good years with her. We showed em dammit. She lived another eleven years.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:47:27 +0000

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